Nov 05, 2004 23:42
why is it when you start a new job you feel like the new kid in high school? besides the fact that i'm exhausted from working 14 hours today i just want to lash out sometimes when i'm at work. seriously i really hate that feeling where you talk to people but you know that it's not really on friend terms but everyone else is friends. i think i also learned why you don't go out on a date with anyone you work with. or in the case of me, i just never make it past the first date :( . it sucks major. sorry for the emo-ness of this post. i try to bore people with shit like this but it's just built up right now because i'm sitting online instead of going to bed like i should. so....ummm...all i really wanted to do really is scream FUCK!!! (just like Ben Folds does in Rocking the Suburbs :) ..)