Stats and Permissions Meme

Oct 13, 2007 14:36

Age: ?? (Unknown. ...15 or 16.)
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 58 KG
Eyes: Gray/Black
Hair: Black
Medical Info: Has had most of his bones broken at some point or another. He's perfectly fine now, though. Beyond expectations.
Physical traits: Tall, lean, with narrow eyes and a cute little button nose. Pretty much always carrying his tonfas.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything. But if it annoys him he might bite you to death.
Abilities: He's strong, fast, and has swiss-army tonfas full of hooks, spikes, and dangling chains he can pull out at will. Generally considered the most terrifying person at his school. Also he can probably beat you up. Yes, you.
Notes for the Psychics: Namimori, Namimori, Namimori, kill kill kill.
Maim/Murder/Death: You are welcome to maim him! Or even to kill him. ONLY HERE IS THE THING: Part of Hibari's mystique in canon is that he does not lose onscreen. Oh, he loses battles. But if he's losing it's offscreen (ie, Mukuro breaking most of his bones, losing to Dino), while his winning fights are onscreen. I'm pretty sure this is to keep him terrifying and I'd like to maintain that if possible. *g* Also, even after you've maimed him, he will keep coming, for the record. The guy beat Mukuro to a corner with his body so broken that when later possessed, it was found to be unusable. There is nothing you can do to him short of death that will stop him from attacking you if you've shamed him by mauling him. :/
Cooking: ...No.
Kissing/Hugging: He'll bite you to death.
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