Recently a friend posted this link on facebook:
The Dark Side of Anime Conventions. It sparked a huge debate between people who think something needs to be done to remedy the issue of sexual harassment and rape and people who say articles like this one give cons, which are not babysitting services, a bad name. What is your take on the "dark side" of anime conventions?
Kare and I disagree on this subject even if an anime con was partly responsible for our relationship. Personally, I hate the way people treat cons as a bars. I understand that it's a good place to pick up girls (and guys) with similar interests, but I want to watch anime, cosplay, visit panels, and hang out with my friends without feeling like a piece of meat. Sometimes I have to deal with this stuff when I'm working press!
Kare argues that girl have the power to say "no", but things are never that straight forward (and we did not ask to be sexualized). Some people were also complaining about how the article makes it sound like anime cons are full of just underage girls and pervy older men. Although it does leave out the fact that some people do hook up with full consent and the fact that male cosplayers can be victims of harassment too, I've seen far more nice young men make stupid mistakes that could have gotten them arrested if they were somewhere else.
The new cosplay-related project I have been alluding to deals with this touchy subject. Another friend and I have been talking about how fed up we are when something bad does happen and with the disrespect shown to us when we cosplay. Cons are supposed to be fun, but it's hard to have fun when guys (and girls) say inappropriate things to you and won't leave you alone. I've decided to do use my blog to raise awareness without condemning cosplay and anime conventions so you'll have that to look forward to in the next few weeks.