Nov 15, 2005 13:45
I woke this morning to gentle patting on my back. My cat, Viivi comes
next to the bed every single morning to see if I would be ready to rise
to and give her breakfest. It's nice. Everytime I raise my head, she
makes a greeting sound and goes purring to the kitchen, and then comes
back again if I wont follow.
This morning I was so sleepy and cold, that I would really liked to
stay in bed. Luckily the course today hasent been that taxing, (it
hardly ever is) and I've been having a chance of posting stuff for
example, at message board. I'd like to try speaking only
engrish at PI for rest of the year. :P It's fun and strangely
I havent photographed awhile- and I've been bit tired thanks to this
course that I havent really looked things in that certain way, although
usually when I have a camera in my hands, I'll get into that vibe
automaticly. I'm just little spooked that I wouldn't get good photos,
but it's silly. I shouldn't wait for anything, no expectations, no
pressure, I just should be active in doing things. Perhaps if that rain
stops, I might take the camera and tripod with me to Imatra today,
Mandatory engrish segment:
Yesterday I visited my parents, loads is made to eat to me by them, the
feed of the cat they gave to me as well of loads of the small-numbered
banana were given, to be taken to my home. How doing as for my father
the candy, concerning the last weekend which he buys because of the
value of 30 euros of the candy and the bakery, it went abnormally.
(My father went crazy about candy and sweets last weekend, he had
bought for 30 euros worth of those.)
I wish of a holiday, preferrably with my love. Creative holiday
with some balance with lazy. This course together with medical
therapy eat energy, much lazyness.