Hello! I am so very sorry this is late, over two weeks now, I have only just got fic-safe internet back up and running since before Christmas. Hope you like it, it's my first ever fic so be gentle please. :) It was written a little while ago, so not 100% accurate now that we've had a fair few previews of upcoming episodes.
Feedback is welcomed. And if for some reason it looks like I've got my lj-cuts or links wrong, please feel free to advise me, haven't quite got the hang of livejournal yet...
Title: 57
Rating: R
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, not trying to make any money...
Author's note: 2,658 words. Note that the use of an offensive word for gay people in first paragraph is not meant to be offensive, if you see what I mean...
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