Title: The Lost Chapter: 3/10 Fandom: Arashi Character, Pairing(s): Jun, Aiba, Sho Rating: R Warnings: Language, frightening situations. Summary: Do you remember me? Lost for so long? Will you be on the other side? Will you forget me?
hahhhhh:) decided to start reading this story in short spurts tdy... it seriously takes guts to read this, i end up rather freaked out after each chpt tt I have to stop and read smth fluffy to clear my mind, but... its awesome so far in its own creepy way. and, i kinda berate myself for failing to notice the O.S initials, only realised ohmiya coming in when it was mentioned that there were two people manning the station. Man, ohno's sarcastic in his reports, then again, could be cos Nino wrote it for him y/n? :D
Hahaha don't feel bad about not noticing the initials, a lot of other people didn't catch on to that, either! We are very glad you decided to give this monster of a fic a try, and we certainly hope you continue enjoying it as you read! Thanks so much for reading and leaving feedback, we hope you don't get too freaked out while reading. ♥
i noticed the initials and as i read it i was like...i can hear Ohno's voice reading all that, then he said OS and NK and i was like "YAY i knew who it was just from the initials" lol this is really starting to scare me and i love it.
i shall continue in a bit but for now im going to say goodnight or rather, good morning as it is 547 where i am.
We are happy to hear that you are enjoying this!! Thank you so much for reading (and at such a late time) and we certainly hope that you continue to enjoy this. Kudos on getting the initials right- I wouldn't have, if I hadn't written it, hahaha. ♥
Comments 5
i noticed the initials and as i read it i was like...i can hear Ohno's voice reading all that, then he said OS and NK and i was like "YAY i knew who it was just from the initials"
this is really starting to scare me and i love it.
i shall continue in a bit but for now im going to say goodnight or rather, good morning as it is 547 where i am.
great writing skills
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