Death in the wall

Jun 02, 2007 07:54

you gotta was one helluva ride

Ride? I went to hell and back muthafucka's!

must be wondering what the hell is this asshole talkin aboot aintcher?...Well officially at 3.45pm on the 24th of May. I Mohd Shahrul Ezanee, has managed to claw himself out of his final exams forever! NO MORE STUDYING, NO MORE SLEEPLESS 24HR SPREES, NO MORE FORGETTING TO SHAVE BEFORE EXAMS (this time I'm doing it on PURPOSE!), NO MORE FUGGIN' STUDENTS HAVING POWER ISSUES (BRING ON THE ADULTS!) and no more MMU.

okay that last part, kinda makes me sad honestly. to be here for 5 years, and then leavin (i still have internship to go thru, but thats just a formality) for good, honestly makes me sad.

Good times were aplenty, of course there were those sad times sandwiched in between, but what fucks u up actually gives you more experience, stronger and better than what u were.

I am sad and lost...

*head meet table*
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