topics of discussion and i am not talking about bio ;)

Apr 19, 2004 22:57

so lets start with the sunday =)

well woke up and we went to church. i had no gel, so unfortunately it was a bad hair day. =/ oh well... so church was nice as usual.. the choir was good. yupyup..after church we decided to "eat fresh" so we went to subway... yum. you know what, it smells like pizza hut in there. it is weird i think it isthe bread thing that they got going on in there. after that went home did some more vocations... and then me and sister went to the grocery store. we went shopping all by ourselves. it was kinda hard bc we had NO IDEA where anything was.. we were looking for the eggs and we passed by them like 10 times! lol.. yeah then we went to the video store. and rented kill bill... and i saw a NICE poster there of kobe bryant!! DAMN! he looked soooooooooo GOOD. man. ::bite lip:: ... yeah then went home kept on working...started watching kill bill.. but then i stopped.. too much dying. that is not me. at all. but hey what can i say. then it was finaly time for the long awaited DEBUTT PRACTICE lol.. fun. we learned the end of the dance. it is fun. the posing the guys do is soo funny. its funny.then we do all these like disco disco moves. but it is still fun. it was coo cuz we were like doing hw there too! and dancing and still laughing! all the time. val with her phone lol fun fun fun. then we ate some GRUB and we split! brian took me home. we took val home first and then he dropped me off. he is a cool cool guy! for sure. then i did some more work. thought about some fun stufff... talked online.. then i KNOCKED OUT!...

today.. monday! sure did not want to be at school that is for sure! so.. i had all periods today! that was... interesting.. so i finished my eng hw right before it was due. had to draw some penises for anatomy! lol...talked and was bored in econ. failed a quiz in bio. worked on my vocations hw during lunch. during vocations.. just talked found out some interesting news about krystelles fun stuff! lol... 7th... talked to the people that are runninng to asb. the people that will be taking my place in a matter of time. ::tear:: i was all teary eyed thinking that it is almost over! i am sad! really.. then after school got a ride home with katrina! shes FUN! i like her! we both share a fondness for firefighters! CHOW!!! man..came home. went online a lil.. then i knocked OUT! man.. fell asleep til like 6.. and since then i have been doing bio.. and i talked to krystelle on the phone for a while!! FUN STUFF! we had like one topic of discussion! lol.. you can guess ;) or some people can.. yeah

well.. i also found out today that i did not get the pricipal's leadership scholarship. i was kinda sad. and also today it hit me. i was sad that i did not get the valivictorian thing! that is what i didnt get it. i cant even spell the damn thing! ugh. well its ok. i will get over it. i hope. but i still sad. i should have worked a lil harder. its ok. i am still good. for a lack of better words. ::sigh:: i need to get over it! now i am thinking about it...

and a new update about that prom dress thing!... my friend that was going to get the dress decided not to... she bought another one.. so i am still saving up for that one...;) remember the dress is a metaphor.. lol i think.. idk. i failed my ap eng test lol.. yeah...its all goood.

barkada show this sat! evryone HAS to go! ok.. because i am in it =) YAY!

ok welll it is late and i still have hw. sooooooooo.. TAT for now..

<3 jamie
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