Mar 18, 2007 23:44
I'm cleaning out my email inbox. I've gotten a rash of phishing emails in the past month or so from senders claiming to be affiliated with "paypal" and "amazon". I've never had phishing (the sender claims to be a legitimate company, asking for the receiver to please update information) email sent to me before. I went to the real PayPal and Amazon websites, found their security departments, sent them each copies of the mails, and both have responded back that the mails were indeed false information.
I know we all think that we'd never fall into that trap, but I admit I did a double-take (but did NOT supply information) when the Paypal one came down the pike. A card I do use for Paypal had indeed expired and I'd gotten a new one through my bank. So, I figured it was a "normal" thing. Glad I didn't fall into that trap.
I'll bet I'm the last one to sound out the alarm on this- the hurricane of nosy, naughty emails have probably touched you all at some point already and you all probably old pros already in knowing just what to do--- HIT DELETE! BUT NOT UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE REPORTED IT TO THE *ACTUAL ORGANIZATION* THE CRIMINALS ARE CLAIMING TO BE A PART OF- COPY IT TO THE MAIL YOU SEND THEM NOTIFYING THEM OF PHISHING, THEN DELETE THE FRAUDULENT EMAIL FROM YOUR INBOX.
Just thought I'd send out a general warning against the Internet Boogeymen. Be safe, and be well. Cheerio. I'll be posting this on MySpace, and I'll send it out in an email. If I missed anything, and I'll be the first to admit that it's possible I did, I will not be offended at all if some of my more knowledgable friends hit a "Reply All" on the email to fill in blanks I may have left. :o)