Apr 23, 2006 19:01
Today, in the neighborhood of 350 people, participated in the Aussie sponsored Anzac 10k (6.2 mile) fun run. This was the first "fun run" I've ever participated in and I enjoyed it! I ran it in 42:10, but I could have ran is fast because towards the last 1/2 mile I developed a HUGE side stitch that slowed me down tremendously.
Now I've never considered myself a runner. I only ran because the Army required me to pass a PT test, so I strived to do my best, which is a 12:40 min 2-mile so far. We have many fun runs here so I think I'll start participating in more of them. There is a 7.2 mile in June and 1/2 marathon and full marathon down the road. I think I'll train up for that as well. As weird as it sounds, it is fun. Makes you feel especially good at the end of the run, too! Totally energized.
Speaking of which, do you guys remember the Energizer commericial with the Energizer bunny and Darth Vader? How he lost the fight because his lightsabre's batteries died? Yeah, that's a good commercial.
That's all folks.