Jun 05, 2005 19:56
I officially have the bestest friends in the world.
Who else would spend all this time baking cookies, making cards and a mix cd and then search a hospital to find me.
I love you guys.
That meant the world to me.
Even my dad was like "man your friends are special"
And those cookies are GOOD.
God worked miracles last night and kept my grandma alive.
She comes off the ventilator tomorrow so she can talk to us and eat finaly.
She has been drawing pictures of ice cream because she is so hungry. You can tell she's lost a lot if weight from not eating.
We've been going in there telling her jokes to make her laugh but she has been sedated pretty much all day.
My family is going nuts.
Like, they are arguing all the time on who they think knows her best and what she would want to happen but be forreal. Only she knows best.
I hate the fighting in a time like this.
what's worse, is someone today mentioned when she passes, how to sell the house...but yeah, we definitely live here too so, i'm not sure what that is all about.
She was diagnosed today with nonsmall lung cancer, which doesnt usually respond to chemo.
She's in God's hands right now.