(no subject)

Jul 09, 2008 22:48

It is the summer.

If this is anything like last summer, I have got one word to say........ fuck.

May 30, 2007. I meet the people that literally FUCK up my friends. I spend the summer with my best friend and her boyfriend, which (from the start) has appeared to be clingy and consistently whipped. God forbid I am right about anything. When she disagrees with me, her boyfriend backs her up and responds with a "Oh shes right" or "I agree with her". Shut up. By the end of the summer, she has gotten drunk, yelled at me, done unspeakable things (sexually), ect. If there is anybody in the world that I do not like, it is this man, or may I say boy (he is 18 and in Boy scouts).

Now. There is a little thing I would like to call karma, and she has her way of making things turn out for the better, or humor. GUESS WHO DIDN'T GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL. Yes, yes. And this very same person refuses to take summer school. May I say, what a great influence you are. Congratulations.

Aside from that....

I honestly don't know what to talk about. I feel like venting, or making this my own personal journal (wait, livejournal). For those who truly know me, I am straightedge (sXe).

Here is a blog post I made several months ago (August 29, 2007 to be exact):

I will in-fact won't do, or eat, them.

As I see many and sadly most of my friends fall into the dark abyss that is of drugs/alcohol and they will forget about the ones who keep their life on track and won't die an early death, well I'm still here.

I've taken a lifetime commitment to not consume drugs or alcohol. Even though those who believe it to be, bluntly, "pussy". Come on, grow up, I'll probably be the one draining your system. And yes, that will eventually happen. Have fun partying and getting drunk and high while I am studying and trying to make something out of life.

Oh, who knows, I guess this could be controversial read in the right eyes.
But I don't think it is.

Any thing, and I mean ANY THING that is called a drug will in-fact affect your system.
SERIOUSLY, I hate it when people don't think marijuana doesnt do anything to you or drinking a certain type of alcohol will not affect you.

Go search it up on Google or Wikipedia. Its not hard to understand, but many of you make it to be.
[Ok, well this centered on drugs/alcohol also, sex at this age is too young. When it comes to reputation and physical health, its not good. As quoted from the gym teacher in Mean Girls "You will get pregnant and DIE!"]

I feel like ranting about another subject.
But I will wait until another time to do that.

I just don't understand it. I look up to many people, and in this case, Davey Havok in particular. When asked if he felt younger for not drinking alcohol or doing drugs when his friends were, all he responded with was:

No, I've always felt advanced because of it.
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