Stole from Lauren Bankes
01. Cried: nope
02. Bought something: yes!!!!!!
03. Gotten sick: no
04. Sang: yes
05. Eaten: ha yeah
06. Been kissed: nope
07. Felt stupid: yes
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: nope
09. Met someone new: i dont think so
10. Moved on: i dont get this question really
11. Talk to an ex: Does robbie count? I know we werent together very long...
12. Missed an ex: nope
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: nope. no crush.
14. Had a serious talk: To my doctor about dying from complications from removing my wisdom teeth.
15. Missed someone: I think? It might have been 48 hours
16. Hugged someone: I dont think so...
17. Fought with your parents: nope
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: haha no
01. Best girl friend: Michelle/Megan
02. Best boy friend: Jim/Dave/Scott
03. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no thank you
04. Hobbies: dancing
05. Pager: nope!
06. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: wallflower heck yes
07. What type of automobile do you drive: Stratus
08. What type of automobile do you wish you drove: stratus. i love my baby
09. Would you rather be with friends or on a date: friends
10. Where is the best hangout: my car
11. Do you have a job: no
12. Do you attend church: sometimes
13. Do you like being around people: not a whole lot of people. but like 5
01. Have you known the longest: besides family, michelle
02. Do you argue with the most: myself
03. Do you always get along with: scott
04. Is the most trustworthy: trust is for the weak
05. Makes you laugh the most: there is no "most" really
06. Has been there through all the hard times: i dont really have hard times i dont think. Well i guess i do. But people dont need to be there for me. Id probably rather have them not be there and just be alone or something.
07. Has the coolest parents: i dont really see parents as being "cool" or not
08. Has the scariest siblings: hmm... id say my sister. :p
09. Is the most blunt: dave probably
10. Is the smartest: ME!!!! haha no just kidding. I did pull off a 3.96 gpa so far though...
01. Who is your role model: my cat
02. What are some of your pet peeves: people being annoying or stupid. Whether its an accident or on purpose
03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: i dont think so. I dont meet people that are "too good for me" or whatever. i see everyone as equal actually. This is a really stupid question.
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: sadly, yes. If i could only go back in time...
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: nope not at all
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): well everyone lies at times
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: haha yeah
08. Would you rather be dumper or dumped? dumper. unless im just lazy. then id give people reasons to dump me. and then maybe just laugh it off. i should do that someday
09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": neither. i hate anything of the sort
10. Want someone you don't have right now: nope!
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yeah
12. Do you want to get married: not sure
13. Do you want kids: 4
14. Do you believe in psychics: no
15. Do you believe in soulmates: nope
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my pinky fingernail. it always gets painted nicely
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: uhh...
18. Are you happy with you: I'm not happy or upset about me. its just me. not much emotion to feel about that i dont think.
19. Are you happy with your life: hmm *thinks, then looks down at harry potter costume* YES hehe today was so fun
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: that i was a billionaire.
Current Clothes: heh harry potter costume!
Current Mood: bored. Thinking about if i should do something tonight
Current Music: none. alfred hitchcock dvd playing
Current Hair: messy bun
Current Annoyance: oustide is poopy
Current Desktop Picture: black
Current Favorite Artist: spice girls?
Current Favorite Group: SPICE GIRLS!
Current Book you're reading: oh shit... i have to read cuckoo tomorrow. damn it
Current CD in CD Player: spice girls
Current DVD in player: alfred hitchcock "39 steps" or something
Current Color Of Toenails: french manicure.. or.. pedicure? i dont know what to call it!
Current Refreshment: spit?
Current Worry: homework and getting lost on the way to big city. i should call teresa...
First Best Friend: stephanie hargraves
First Elementary School: Commerce
First memory: kelly being born
First clear memory of soccer: soccer?!
First real job: babysitting?
First screen name: kmm2006? haha
First self-bought c.d.: Spice girls. then spice girls, then spice girls again
First funeral: My Great Grandma
First pets: Roxie- dog, Ming- 22 pound cat, Zach- another cat
First piercing: Ears
First enemy: Misty Pranga. heh
First big trip: Florida when i was 2
First musician you remember hearing in your house: oh god. i dont even know. but my dad used to blast it every day in the summer and we all danced to it. then at the new house our neighbors got mad so we had to turn it down. damn subdivision.
Last cigarette: nope
Last big car ride: florida in 8th grade? or mackinac was sooner. so that
Last good cry: A really long time ago
Last library book checked out: haha.
Last movie seen: 39 steps.. or something
Last beverage drank: popsicle?
Last food consumed: popsicle
Last crush: oh god. i dont even know.
Last phone call made: its been a few days i think
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: vans
Last CD played: Tool i think it was
Last item bought: harry potter costume!
Last ice cream eaten: neopolitan
Last shirt worn: heh harry potter!
Last website visited: LJ
Spell your first name backwards- Nitsirk
The story behind your user name- well. It all started when my dad was 12... and thought his future daughters name up randomly. Including the spelling, knowing that people would always spell it wrong... so i decided to put my name in my names i make so everyone knows how to spell it. i do think its helped considerably
Jewelry worn daily: 7 earrings, a bellybutton thingy... maybe a bracelet or necklace
Pillow cover: poms!!!!!
Shoes: vans that i colored on
Favorite shirt: my pink/white one from forever21
Piercings: 8 (7 on ears, and my bellybutton)
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are/are you)
In my mouth: teeth, a tongue...
In my head: a brain
Wishing: i was having fun
After this: maybe have some fun
If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason: oddly enough, i do have a few people in mind. BUT its like, osama bin laden, and other either mean or stupid or pointless people. Like Kerry and Edwards.
Next to you: garbage
Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: WEARING MY COSTUME ON HALLOWEEN!
Do you believe in love: no
Do you believe in soul mates: no
Do you believe in love at first sight: nope
Do you believe in Heaven: yes
Do you believe in forgiveness: yes
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
How long have you been together: ha
Do you believe in God: yes
What do you want done with your body when you die: It would take so long to explain. Only michelle and her mom know. Maybe a nice little secret i have here... haha
Who is your worst enemy: misty pranga. ha no just kidding i dont think i have enemies really. if i do, i dont know about them. and maybe thats a good thing
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?: giraffe
What are 2 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to: Ft. Myers Beach and... hmm whats alex's city in ri...
What are some of your favorite pig out foods: eww gross
What's something that you wish people would understand: im not sure. but i do think that when i say things, people get the wrong idea a whole lot. so. i dont know. something along those lines.
What's something you wish you could understand better: after life. god. heaven.
Pepsi or Coke? neither
you type with your fingers on the right keys? yep
What is under your bed? nothing!
got a lucky number? 10, 22
what's something you did that you thought you'd never do? i really dont do stuff like that
Something you'd love to do, but haven't yet, or don't have the guts to do: i dont feel like saying it all here
Do you believe in destiny? no. we are just people. just living our lives. there is no destiny. theres coincidence and all that, but nothing more powerful then that
Reasons you're late for work/school: took too long drinking my coffee or having breakfast or making coffee.
Who is the sexiest person ever? me! duh... no danielle radcliffe. or tom felton!