
Aug 07, 2004 22:55

Tonight was pretty much the same posse, Me,Jamie,molly,Casiddy,Lyndsie,Brianna,Carly(but she left early),and Nick, and Milo... we did pretty much the same thing, Hung out...ate..etc. and yes me and nick made up, we had like an hour long talk, im happy were friends.. and we are all hangning out again tomorrow of course. We missed degrassi :(,and i think tonight was the last ashlee simpson episode :( damn it! i watched it and it kinda sucked i wanted something like really exciting to happen. woahhh im like really spaaaced out right now. I feel like im walking on the moon in the galaxy voolamiko.. I know! trippy,right? woah. so.. yeah were gunna go do sumthin so we dont pass out. were gunna prank call! hahaa oh man were mature! alright see ya

--Danielle Nicole
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