001: [Video]

Jun 15, 2010 18:51

[The screen of the PDA is turned on, revealing a bespeckled, thin young man with one very, very confused expression on his face. He is wearing a white parka, and has slightly wavy blond hair that morphed into auburn red at it's ends. He appears to be walking forward, talking to someobody else, and completely unaware of the fact that others can see him on the PDA.]

This is so confusing...w-what happened here? Last thing I remember, I was walking to the Ottawa International Airport to go to Holland. And now...d-did some kind of attack happen? W-Why did I find somebodies cellphone on me? Alright, Kumakashi, what is the last thing that you can remember?

[An incredibly odd, smaller voice could be heard from behind him.] "Dunno. Too busy."
...With what?...
"Won't say."
You were eating the salmon, weren't you?
"It tastes good with the Maple Syrup."
T-That syrup was for Holland! So-oh hey, looks like the cellphone is recording....How do I turn it off... [The young man looked down towards the screen.]

"Look. People."

Eh? [He looked up, before the PDA was dropped to his side, showing a upside down image of two thugs walking in his direction.] Quick hide! T-They look a bit suspicious, but... maybe I can get some idea of what happened...hey! Hello! Bonjour! Hey!

[Surprisingly, it took awhile for the thugs to notice him, but once they did they began to walk towards him in a rather threatening manner.]
"What's in the bag, shorty?" [One of the thugs spoke towards him in Russian, causing the young man to pause in confusion.]
Eh? S-Sorry I don't know what your saying-Wait! [The two closed in on him, and suddenly the PDA was snatched out of the youths hands.The PDA screen now revealed the Canadian as the other thug punch him hard in the face. The thug took advantage of his stunned dizziness and tore the pack sack off his back, before tossing it in front of the first thug. He then proceeded to hold the panicked Canadian back from grabbing his bag.]

N-No wait. There's nothing in there, really! Really?

[The PDA's view shifted again to the sky as the first thug placed it on the ground. A shuffling sound from the pack sack is heard, and then-]

"Who are you?"
"Why is there a POLAR BEAR in his his bag. W-Wait, did it just-"
"Feed me. What's-his-name sucks. He won't give me more food."
"How..is that polar bear talking to you-AAA" [A terrible cracking sound was suddenly heard off screen. Whatever was happening to the second thug, it must have been painful, because the first thug could be seen in the corner of the screen standing up and facing his handgun towards the youth. A horrified expression was on his face.]

"H-How could that shrimp do-"

[Before he could even finish his sentence, a blur of white and brown had knocked the gun out of his hand and tackled him. Nothing could be seen, but if the sound of kicking, punching and "Ow-ow-ow-" was any indication, this thug was not having a good day. The beating continued for about 20 seconds, and then a frustrated sigh was heard, shortly followed by the clicking of a gun]

Don't follow me, and I won't hurt you guys anymore, okay? Well...not that you can understand me anyhow.

[There was the shuffling sound of the young man lifting his backsack, and then a pair of footsteps moved closer to the PDA. Within a second the PDA revealed the two thugs collapsed on the ground, bloody and beaten. One of them appeared to be clutching onto his arm in pain, as though the boy had broken his arm. The Canadian pointed the handgun threateningly towards them one last time, before the screen suddenly became a blurry, shaking mess as the Canadian weaved in and out of the streets and alleyways to distance himself from the thugs.]

If you hadn't guilt tripped me into bringing you to Holland, than that never would have happened, Kumasora! I would have just let them take my bag, and then they wouldn't have been beaten up!
"....Who are you?"
[A frustrated sigh.] CA-NA-DA.
"Oh. Well, do you think they would have given me food?"
No! They were going to try take your skin, or sell you to a circus, or-or-or-
"Oh okay. If no food, than it was fine."
It was fine to beat them up?
"Yes. It was fine."
No it wasn't! I threatened them with a gun, that was not fine!

[The screen paused as the Canadian finally stopped running at what appeared to be a alleyway corner. The Canadian released an audible sigh, and placed the PDA on the ground. The screen now showed the young man sitting against the wall, with his pack sack on his lap. The owner of the second voice was revealed to be a polar bear cub poking it's head out of the pack sack, chewing on a piece of dried fish and staring at him calmly.]

M-More importantly, what happened here? Why are there...Russian thugs around here? Why does everything look so old? This place doesn't even look like Ottawa! And..my heart feels completely fine, even though Ottawa is so destroyed!
"Dunno why."
Your...handling this very well, aren't you.
"As long as I get to watch hockey later, than yeah."
I...really wish I didn't bring you with me. Did I mention that before?
"...Who are you?"
[The Canadian didn't even bother to answer his pet polar bear, and just let silence wash over the two of them.]

(OOC: Matthew will be able to hear anything that's said on the PDA now!)

why am i alive when ottawa looks dead, wtf russian thugs in ottawa, i hate my polar bear, this doesn't look like home

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