Nov 25, 2006 22:56
My weekend in havasu for thanksgiving went as follows:
Lots of drunk people
Lots of bars (you can smoke inside in AZ)
Keep in mind i no longer drink nor smoke
I was the DD all weekend
Almost fought my dad
Mom made me leave because she thought i was going to beat the shit out of my drunk father.
Cousins and uncles aunts- allll wasted. obnoxious.
I got to be a bro and ride my dirtbike before I sell it.
Went on the lake and drove the boat around while every1 got hammered.
Read alot of my Henry rollins book. its pretty weird
I really dont know what to say. Dreyer family tradition eh?
Id like to end this positvely though-
I never thought I had this strength inside of me, Im excited.
I will never again have a sip of alcohol or a single ciggerette. Theres no going back on that, i will only look forward. And I finally did it for myself. <3 I love you dan dreyer. Im glad Im you. HAHHAHAHAHAH