Dear ladies,
So, after following
this discussion on
aka_imelda's LJ, I was reminded that I haven't seen many of my AFOers since 2006. Ladies, we are now three months into oh-seven and I am experiencing withdrawal. Last year, we got together at Mother's to discuss feminism & pornography. To my recollection, there was good food, good company, good discussion, and fun was had by all. I propose that we start doing this on a regular, monthly basis. Liz and I have talked about doing this briefly, but we couldn't settle on a day. Is anyone else interested in doing this? If so, when is a good time for you? Non-AFOers are also welcome (for the unintiated, afo = alliance for a feminist option). Let me know soon before I wander off into the AFO-less abyss.
I also propose that the first topic be Feminism and sexuality simply because that was the topic of conversation that prompted this post. Is that too broad? Any other ideas?