th obituary will write itself

Dec 19, 2007 18:55

i had grand plans for a birthday entry, but Th Day came & went w/o much fanfare. my year in review:

1. failed to accumulate any lucre @ ALL
2. doubled mah bedpost notch count
3. indulged my growing nostalgia for th female body
4. became a local hero
5. #2 & #3 probably th result of #4
6. got a job!!!
7. faceplanted off Th Wagon
8. fell in love, climbed out again

this is Radio Swell on pirate satellite, broadcasting thru a sickness so simultaneously deep & shallow, physical & psychic, sexy & afraid as to be a Soul Sickness. is it ironic that mah jet fuel keeps me depraved, dehydrated, cottonmouthed, safe?

sometimes i wake up in th morning
th Ginger Lady by my bed...

is it selfish that i write this now not for you, any of you, but to keep my mind above th lightning bolts in my veins? my paper journal is sick of this style of entry-- it told me so-- & there are some (HI, FOX) who would have me believe that an unobserved tree falling to its lonely death has no reality. i call bullshit, but just in case! (i'm more that tree than any of 'em know) lay yr eyes on me, & make me real.

that's a dare as much as anything! if i'm gonna step out of Th Shadows you can bet it'll be w/ my hand on th trigger of my gun. call my bluff! know me (biblically), then KNOW me.

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