Issue 32

Feb 10, 2006 17:46

    Harmony Forever is the new home of the H.M.S. Harmony Forums. You can find the forums, multi-fandom news, fan and original fiction hosting, harmony library and so much more. Join and go discuss our favorite couple!

    • It seems like H/Hr love is drying out and I'm kind of upset..... Does that seem familiar to you? It does, doesn't it? Well, sbeegee thinks she might have the solution just for that. What's that? Well H/Hr Oscars of course. An LJ community where we can nominate the 'Best of...' in every category out there. Who knows, maybe having a little round-up of the favorites of this past year might get the H/Hr mood back. For more info go to sbeegee's journal. C'mon people, this thing is not going to get done on it's own. Share some ideas and have some fun.

    It has come to our attention that some people can't see the links that are friends locked because they're not involved in the communities that said things are posted. It would be extremely helpful for those that have posted things that are locked to come up with another alternative links so that everyone can see it. After all, not everyone is involved in communities like harryhermione.

Harry/Hermione Moment of the Day:

Order of the Phoenix:

‘I don’t believe him,’ said Hermione in a very unsteady voice, the moment they were out of earshot of Hagrid. ‘I don’t believe him. I really don’t believe him.’
‘Calm down,’ said Harry.
‘Calm down!’ she said feverishly. ‘A giant! A giant in the Forest! And we’re supposed to give him English lessons! Always assuming, of course, we can get past the herd of murderous centaurs on the way in and out! I - don’t - believe - him!’
‘We haven’t got to do anything yet!’ Harry tried to reassure her in a quiet voice, as they joined a stream of jabbering Hufflepuffs heading back towards the castle. ‘He’s not asking us to do anything unless he gets chucked out and that might not even happen.’
‘Oh, come off it, Harry!’ said Hermione angrily, stopping dead in her tracks so that the people behind had to swerve to avoid her. ‘Of course he’s going to be chucked out and to be perfectly honest, after what we’ve just seen, who can blame Umbridge?’
There was a pause in which Harry glared at her, and her eyes filled slowly with tears.
‘You didn’t mean that,’ said Harry quietly.
‘No … well … all right … I didn’t,’ she said, wiping her eyes angrily. ‘But why does he have to make life so difficult for himself - for us?’
"I dunno - "

Did I miss something? You want to see something rec'd here? Please leave us a comment. They will by very much appreciated. The more you rec, the better since it helps all of us out a great deal. Comments with the recs are screened and will be put up in the next issue.
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