I had hoped to get more people entering the comeback challenge, but because we only got one(!) entrant I'd like to welcome
hot_radcliffe back into the round.
You are eligible to enter if your username is listed
+ All participants must submit ONE (1) icon.
+ You must use the provided caps (blending is allowed).
+ You may change your entry as many times as you'd like, just delete edit! the previous comment.
+ Textures, brushes, stock, etc. is allowed.
+ Animation is NOT allowed.
+ Icon must fit LJ standards (<= 40kb; <=100x100px; .jpg, .png, .gif)
+ Icon may not be posted anywhere (including userpics) until AFTER results have been posted.
+ Please post your icon in the format given in the userinfo (img src & url)
THEME: Stock
You're submitted icon must include (a) stock image(s).
You may use any pics from any movies.
The only additional stipulation to the theme is that it must be Harry/Hermione-centric.
If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Deadline for submissions is January 11th at 9PM
PST Entered: 03/04