Round 6; Challenge 5 - COMEBACK CHALLENGE

Dec 25, 2007 23:24

This will be pretty much the same as last round. If you've ever been eliminated, disqualified, dropped out, didn't make the sign up period, or aren't or never were on the eligible participants list then you're eligible to enter this challenge.

As like last round, the challenge is a free-for-all. You're free to do whatever you'd like to make an icon that is harmony related. This means anything is a go (again, keep it harmony related, though ;)).

ALSO: skips will be reinstated if they are applicable. If you are new to the round you will receive one skip. All current participants have the chance to earn one additional skip if they advertise the comm and leave a link at this post.

+ All participants must submit ONE (1) icon.
+ You may change your entry as many times as you'd like, just delete edit! the previous comment.
+ Textures, brushes, stock, etc. is allowed.
+ Animation is allowed.
+ Icon must fit LJ standards (<= 40kb; <=100x100px; .jpg, .png, .gif)
+ Icon may not be posted anywhere (including userpics) until AFTER results have been posted.
+ Please post your icon in the format given in the userinfo (img src & url)

Deadline for submissions is January 4th at 9PM PST
Entered: 01

6.05, ---challenge, !session 6

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