6x6 of v6 - Q21-29

Jun 26, 2011 01:12

21. Who is your favorite V6 member?
I like all :D Before V6, it was hard to imagine I could find a group where I would care about all the members almost equally, but it happened. They all seem so genuine and laid-back and dorky, and I really, truly care about them all xD
But not to avoid the question, the reason why I'm here is thanks to the original sexy Osaka man xD And so he'll probably always hold an edge over everyone else, not just in V6, but in general. 
22. How do you rank your members?
It used to be Okada as #1 and everyone else at #2, but within the past year Inocchi has a had a leap in my ranking LOL So now he's a definite #2 on my list, then V4 equally at #3. Among Sakamoto & Nagano, Go & Ken, I can't rank them at all, really. It depends on what I'm watching at the moment. Leader was my #2 for a long time before Inocchi somehow slowly took over :D
Actually it was harder for me to like Go and Ken in the beginning, because... I don't know, I just have a thing for older men I guess :P

23. Favorite V6 gif:This one. It was one of the first V6 gifs I encountered when I entered the fandom, and that's when I realize there's no limit to Ken's cuteness, sadly ;____; . (I just don't know whose gif it is, if you do, please tell me pretty please >"<)

24. Favorite Gakkou e Ikou episode:
Their 10th anniversary trip episode is pretty much a given for probably the overwhelming majority of V6 fans, so I tried to dig through my folder to come up with another slightly more creative choice (and realized there are still quite a few with subs that I haven't seen. No excuse now, do I? ;___;). I enjoyed the Test of courage episode and found myself rewatching it a lot; haunted house really brings out the best in people LOL Also, episodes such as Girl with popping knees or the one where Morita & Okada went to learn taiko for the Myouken festival were highly meaningful; I learned a lot watching them :D That's also why I think GeI is a very special show because it genuinely brings V6 out to interact with people who aren't celebrities, and in a way that brings them closer to fans like me.
(all of the episodes I mentioned above have subs available at Vi6es)

25. Who is your OTP?
I have to say it outright, I'm not into pairing in the romantic sense, and especially not pairing of real people (fictional is OK depending on how well the material is presented, LOL). BUT, even for someone like me, I simply adore GoKen because when they interact, it's the cutest thing ;__; And Sakamoto & Nagano are so comfortable around each other I can't help but imagine they must be pretty good friends with each other in real life, and, and, of course there's Inocchi &  Okada left so they naturally form the left-out pair, right? Which is simply adorable considering their personalities can't be more different. And then, when Tonisen and Kamisen interact like this it's cuter than a basket full of bunnies...
Oh wait, maybe I don't have an OTP then. Hmmm...

26. Favorite VVV6 episode:
This is one of the questions I can't really answer, since there aren't that many VVV6 eps that are subbed, but the one where Okada meets and completely flails over Nozomi-chan (the girl who voices Ponyo in Studio Ghibli's anime of the same name) was pretty cute xD
 27. Favorite Shinchishiki Kaikyuu Kumagusu episode:
The love letter episode was nice, but I absolutely love the gloves & nurses episode :)) V6 being complete failures at fitting the gloves on their head, Go hurting Ken with his ring, and Okada getting super-excited over cute nurses. Oh dear...
 28. What would you like to do if you met V6?
Well I don't speak Japanese so we probably wouldn't get very far, but IF we all spoke Esperanto (!), I'd like to go on a trip with them, be an (obsessed) observer of their dorkiness, and then on the car ride back I would ask them all the questions that I had in the world, like, Leader, what is your favorite V6 song and stuff like that. Yeah well I'm not a very interesting person, as you can tell...

29. What would probably end up happening?
My demands above are pretty mild, no? And if they can't tell that I'm a fangirl and hence don't get freaked out, I think the plan will go pretty well :D
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