My recovery is going much much better.
I can finally eat solid foods~
I'm so excited because i'm fucken starving.
I've been getting cravings like nobody knows~
And my mom STILL wants to feed me soup?
Oh for those of you who don't know..
I had surgery Tuesday Night.
It was really um... well it was kind of an experience actually.
It started out Tuesday morning around 7am.
My mom called me to yell at me because I didn't leave the remote control of the garage at home.
It was then when I realized that I was getting a cramps in my right-lower quadrant of my abdominopelvic cavity. (LOL Anatomy)
At first I thought I was gonna start my period but I was like over a week early! so i just went to class thinking it would go away
And it scaredd me because i kept vomitting what blood.
So I think to myself..uh, that's not good.
So G takes me to the Health center.
And they run a million tests on me.
And they dont know wtf is wrong w/ me, but they refer me to the ER to make sure I don't get dehydrated because I cant hold anything down.
So I call Laurinda, who is on her wait to volunteer, and asks her if she can please take me to the ER because i need to go so she has to turn around and come get me.
Then I call my dad and.. idk it was scary. Cuz I didnt really want to tell him that I was going to the ER because he was gonan freak out.. but i told him because I needed to know what hospital the insurance covers.
So yeah.. he freaked out, but still thought it was like no big deal and met me at the ER an hr later.
It took the ER THREE hours (from 330 to 7) for them to call me in because it was so full of people.
And still they didnt know what wha twrong w/ me.
They had theories such as an ovarian cyst.. or apendicitious.. or just a simple flu.
So they ordered MORE blood to be taken out of me, another urine sample, a CT scan, and they hooked me up to IVs.
IVs suck so much ass.
They also jacked me up on morphine.
ANd that was fucken horrible.
I never want to be on morphine again.
its like the weirdest feeling ever and I was hysterical.
At around 9:30 they sent me on my CT scan and took "pictures" of my abdominopelvic region.
They injected iodine into my IV which made me feel like i was PEEING my pants.
At 1030 the doctor came in and said
Yeah.. you have apendicitous. You're surgeon is on his way. You're getting surgery tonight.
I almost shit my pants. And I bet my dad did too.
And I bet my mom did too after my dad called her.
Here we thought it was like the flu.. but no. I full blown needed surgery.
At 11 I was whisked away to the surgery room. They made me sign a bunch of depressing papers about what I will allow them to do w/ me if I am on the verge of death.
A little after 11 my anesthesiologist came in injected my IV w/ something (later I realized that that's what put me to sleep) and made me sign more depressing papers.
The last thing i remember was him telling me that I will feel relaxed.. and BOOM. I was awake being fed ice so my throat wont be sore because they stuck a tube in my throat to help me breathe.
I have 3 incisions that I have not yet seen.
It didnt hurt anymore after that.
I felt much better.
It sucks that a stupid thing that doesnt do anything but get infected and rupture caused me so much pain.
No I didnt get to see it, although I would have wanted to.
I let the hospital on Wednesday at around 4:30 PM and now I am jsut chillin at the dorms w/ my bottle of Vicodin.. which i dont take.
I feel much better, like i said before.
My dad's picking me up today at 6pm tp take me home.