Aug 21, 2003 23:52
well, i haven't been updating because life has almost been too busy for me to write about it. funny, how you never really apreciate what you have until it's gone.
my pool party on monday went really well, i thought. at the least, i got to see most everyone before they left. we spent the whole day there, swimming and playing tennis and just being our usual selves. ate a nice dinner at tara thai, and then hung out at chris's til one in the morning. chris's was especially was the after-school crowd from senior year. time slips by, but when we're the group together again everything is always the same. i felt bad that the group was so uvapeople some ways that makes it harder than if everyone were going off alone.
tuesday i ate lunch with joe...just an excuse to see him. it was nice, of course...but so sad. we haven't even left yet, and i already miss him. i don't even remember what we were talking about now, but there was a moment where we both almost started turned into laughter, but that one shared glance was just so full of emotions... and on the way home we both just totally lost it...oi. you know me, i don't do crying...but with him it's just totally on another level. it was a good release of pressure...but i just wish...i dunno. it's not like we're breaking up, like i'm losing him. thank god. but lunch on tuesday was exactly what i /am/ losing...that spontaneous contact, randomly seeing him just cause i can, getitng in the car and just driving nowhere in particular... losing that hurts.
good we got it out of our systems though, cause we spent all day wednesday having fun at king's dominion. that was just two ways about it. rode avalanche =P, did the bungee skyflier thing, went on all the rollercoasters. and all that time together in the car is just wondeful. i didn't get home til 3am, and that was perfect, too. so many high points...and while we actually had some low ones this time, as usual getting through them together turned them into highs in their own way. i can't believe how wonderful he is, and how in love with him i am. everything that happens just makes it better.
and today i came out to my parents. they were not surprised, which is about what i figured. i've been rather blatant about joe, and they've both dropped clues that they suspected, in their own ways. my mom said she was certain the moment i introduced joe that we were a couple, which i thought was nice. they were like "thank you for telling us, we are proud of you," and i was like "thank you. time to go to college now." and that was that. pretty much exactly the way i'd been planning it since like eighth grade, minus the whole me-having-a-boyfriend thing. still, it's nice to have everything expressly laid out. oh yes, we went to busara for dinner, which might amuse some of you...
tomorrow i see joe for the last time. okay okay, definitely not The last time...but A last time, yes. thinking back on the past three months, how can i not be happy? but how can i not be sad that things have to change? it's hard. i guess all i can do is love him. and miss him, too...but the two really aren't separate at all. we'll just see what tomorrow brings...
and the next day i'll be gone.