Just your imagination...

May 17, 2004 15:54

You know, it is flattering when someone goes out of their way to do things in their social world because of you... even if their thoughts about you and their motivation for doing those things are totally negative. It is even more amusing to learn that they are pushing these things with lies and imagined powers, as if they had the authority to enforce their "rules".

Last I heard, you have to own a hotel before you can make rules about who can and can't be there. Hotels are businesses based on public use. That means I can go to any hotel, any day of the week I feel like, if there is someone there I'm visiting or if I just want to get a room. Fancy that.

I guess when you live in an online imaginary world that you control, your imagination tends to get the best of you when dealing with reality. This is the real world, not one that you can just save to a database.

So for any of my peoples visiting on the July 4th weekend, let me know and we can hang out, it'll be good to catch up.
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