Jan 12, 2010 20:03
- 20:17 @ IMAO_ Michael Steele seemed to find it offensive. hotair.com/archives/2010/01/10/video-steele-calls-for-reids-resignation/ #
- 20:46 7 degrees here today. It is just way too damned cold in Korea. And I'm from the Northeast. #
- 20:50 Hearing the jets take off here in pairs periodically everyday never gets old. "That's the sound of freedom." #
- 21:04 Getting a kick out of all the anti-#americanidol sentiment on Twitter trending topics. Don't like it, don't watch it, dumbasses. Simple. #
- 21:13 The Jihad Watch Award winners '09 cartoon has me in stitches. The depiction of Geert especially is just priceless. #
- 21:25 People walking around outside in gas masks. Exercise must've reached MOP 4. Yay...? #
- 21:54 Mexico sounds like a horror movie. Some of this is downright ghastly. www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,582855,00.html?test=latestnews #
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