Long Week

Dec 22, 2005 00:32

Lemme get everyone up to date.

Saturday: Was really cool. I went to Jersey saw Christine and the family and it was really cool. Too bad it wasnt for too long. We have to keep in touch more. Her mom was so surprised. I also met her boyfriend Jon, he's an all around cool guy and so are some of his friends that I met too. The type of friend I would want because the people in New York are assholes and dont know how to be themselves but while hanging out with Jon and his peeps it was really cool (something new to me)
So we went to Ring Of Honor, my first time going to a ROH event, it was crazy that we were so close. I was in the camera view through out most of the show so I wonder if Ill be able to see myself when the DVD comes out. the event was great I bought a shirt!

Sunday: I forgot what happened but I know it was probably boring.

Monday: Went to Target, just walked around there for a while and bought some stuff.

Tuesday: Nothing Much... I saw SAW. It was pretty good. Well atleast I liked it. Oh yeah... I did something crazy... I bought a PSP, something I planned on never doing until it had a price drop. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8244947938&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1
Comes with a 1gb mem stick and some other stuff and also the GTA game.
I should be getting it tomorrow because its express mail and supposed to be here before christmas. So yeah I guess thats my xmas gift to myself this year. I just hope the firmware installed on it is 1.5 so I can hack it up with some old school Nintendo games on it.

Wednesday: I was asleep of the majority of the day and Marcela kindly took over the scanning situation for me. And now looking through the pictures thats we've scanned from all my years from when I was young to now and from even before I was born... Ive come to the conclusion that I have enough pictures to make a porno. The sad part is that Im nowhere near done scanning everything. My intentions are to preserve these memories and to also send them out to family and show it to people stuff like that. I also wanted to get it done fast so that it can be in people's hands by like Xmas but by the looks of it Im about 20-40% done Ive scanned a few thousand already... yeah thats what you do when you have no life.

On a side note I went to Costco today and bought bourbon chicken so being the ill chef that I am, I made it and it tastes SUPER!!

Thursday: So far nothing, its about an hour into Thurs so nothing big couldve happened yet.

Anyways lemme get to the usual pics and vids. Damnit I just checked the Dope video from Jaggermeister wasnt approved by google yet maybe it will be, or it could be against their TOS.

I forgot to post the videos of my Nephew.
NOTE: Some are explict!





@ Christine's House:


@ Jagermeister Tour - one of them came out pretty bad because I was in a huge group of a bunch of ppl pushing and shoving thats also another reason why I didnt take any other pics.


@ Ring of Honor - I shouldve took more pictures.

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