Welcome to all the new people who came from
Dreamwidth and
LJ friending meme. I keep meaning to do a long catch-up post with everything that's happened since Sandy, but life keeps getting away from me. It's now on the list of the many things I'm hoping to do next weekend, like Yuletide and fixing the zipper on my backpack and catching up on Wizards vs Aliens and maybe actually reading other people's comments on the meme. There will be knitting pictures, sewing pictures, and bunny pictures. And if I don't make this post feel free to whine at me. ;)
In the meantime, have a seat, make yourself comfortable, and try not to step on the bunnies.
This entry was crossposted at
http://evil-plotbunny.dreamwidth.org/24202.html. Comment wherever you choose. (There are currently
comments on Dreamwidth.)