Odd Dream thingy @ Finnian and weird night.

May 27, 2009 06:57

Okay, so waking up, falling back to sleep. Had a dream that I was a tiny .... something. Still trying to figure that one out. But I could fly!

Anyways, I'm part of this community of ... creatures, and I'm the smallest. And when I say smallest, I mean SMALLEST. Everyone else was huge, and I was maybe like ... 1/10(?) of their size. BUT...
I was also the best hunter, the best flyer, the first one out in the morning in front of the group. Small in Stature, BIG on accomplishment, attitude. I kept hearing that in the dream, over and over.
At one point I was talking to someone, trying to wake them up for the day. Then I remember going somewhere and ordering a... salad? I chose a couple of choice cherry tomatoes to be thinly sliced, maybe peeled, and the person I was telling for what to put on it did it all, but gave me the attitude of, "anything else, your majesty" all very sarcastic, while looking at me and asking, "You want ____ with that too?" I can't remember what he asked I wanted. But Come on, enough with the attitude, I'm small and it's hardly anything I'm eating, so chill out already. Geesh!

And now, sitting here thinking about the dream, I start wondering if they were just being tolerant of me. But I was special.

So, anyways, there was this wicked cool thunderstorm yesterday while I was at lunch. Passed right over us. I was sitting outside, as usual and it just rolled on over. Lots of strikes going on around us, constantly, and there was one that snapped through the air, and even before it stopped flashing, the crack of thunder was there.
OMFG, so wIcKeD cool!!
Needless to say, by the time it finished rolling by, and my lunch break finally ended, I was .... energized WAY too much, and shaking a bit.

Well, I managed to get it calmed, and realized I need to starting carrying around my grounding crystal to help ground this shit out.
So, get home, and start talking to a totally cola-hyped out Finnian. And started getting hyped - between him, and that storm energy, I went nuts. That wolf side of me rose up, and I went on IMVU. One "family" room I went in and started romping around the room with my "sisters and neices and nephews". I was loping, and growling, and snapping at the air. Playing and rolling and pulling a few tail hairs and spitting them back out.
Then, in another room, later, I was dancing with a friend. Totally bored and missing my debdeb, and getting friskier by the minute.
Then another friend messaged me on MSN, Ashric, the angelic person. He had his third eye, which he forced open, stuck open and was having nightmares. Doofus. He snapped it open, and by the time the snapping had healed, he'd blocked it open with a stupid "brick block" to "keep it veiled." Moron, you blocked it open! I managed to bust a few of the walls and mutate the last one to be flexible and strong, while giving his "eye" a chance to close on it's own so he can have periods of rest. Amazing how the canine spirit form can smell/pick up on such things. His third eye was like a hole in his forehead. Very ugly.

While I was talking to him, I was kind of a cross of wolf and winged-fox, but on IMVU, my angelic side popped up. I had to change out of the wolf guise and into Angel - black wings, tattooed torso/shoulders, black pants and bare feet. My male ego started rising, I started getting flirty. My friend disappeared at one point and I started teasing someone else. She came back and I was like "Help! I'm flirting!" and she started bugging me to knock it off. Then wolf snapped back out as hunger rose... hunger for a red wolf. Hunt. Need to hunt..
My friend's kitty spirit came out then and started berating me, hissing and looking meanish.
I finally just HOWLed in the room and left.
I crawled into bed, hrurrffing and breathing a kind of growl. My energy was in total hunt mode. I woke up my son with it and had to tamp it down and tell him to go back to bed. Sorry kiddo. My energies were WEIRD!
At one point, I flipped/twisted from my back onto my side, and with another spiritual howl, I took off running to find my shewolf, and fell asleep.

But that is something I've noticed. I still hunger for that energy that women give off when they are feeling sensual. debdeb quells that hunger, tones it down, when she is focused on me.
*sighs heavily*

I miss her....

spirit, wolf, shifting, angel, dreams

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