Dream Land

May 13, 2009 06:33

I've been trying to relax and making connections with the Goddess each night.
Last night was my second night. I did a shield regenerizing exercise, then did a lotus sit to try and connect with Tara, just one of the many aspects of the Goddess, as described by the Buddhist culture in the book "Celestial Goddesses" by Lisa Hunt.
Lisa has made a collection of different goddesses that have to do with any part of the heavens, including a brief description from the culture they come from, as well as a meditation to make a connection with that particular aspect. She suggested reading through each one and trying to connect with the one that "spoke" to you the most.
Tara spoke to me, so I am trying to connect.

Last night, I worked on the meditation. I am terrible, as what I want to envision doesn't always happen like others describe. No white lights or clouds or mist, it's always different. Though rising towards the stars, or sitting in a field of stars, that was easy enough.

So I tried to continue the meditation, and a mantra started forming. Well, the auther did say modify things to suit yourself, so I did.
"I am the Stars above. I am the Moon and the Sky. I am the Sun, it's light pouring into me through the Goddess."
I repeated it several times, breathing in the starlight and letting the energy wash through me.
I lowered myself down and crawled into bed, asking Her to please, guide me. I envisioned myself taking a step from that complacent field I have been resting on in my dreams, to travel beyond.

I dreamed.
There was an incident on the IMVU group boards. Someone complained about another individual's constantly sending invites to not just one of his groups, but to ALL of them. Six invites in one big slam. Others spoke up about it. Some nastiness was exchanged. A moderator went to one of the other groups and multi-posted about not spamming everyone with invites. I don't know what he said, just that it pissed a few people off, including the groups' owner. So, someone came over and tried to humiliate the moderator with a post. It went on. I managed to get the moderator's girl to back down, keeping one more person out of the mud slinging.

In my dream, that moderator was there, I was speaking to him, asking why did he do it. The other's in the post war were there. Again, why was it done. Really, there was no need for the continued cross posting.
And throughout the quiet exchange, Giana was there, a bastien of strength and support behind me. She was not a part of the original incident, but here she was now.
She is actually present in some way or other in all my dreams now. I wake with her on my mind, from the dream, good, bad or confusing.

But I get the feeling this incident is going to come up again, whether where I'm at now, or somewhere else, and I am going to see it. One for truth, I will "open my mouth" and say what I know of the situation, as I can't stand it when people go around telling lies and half truths and assumptions about something.
I will stand my ground and someone's going to get called out on it, possibly even more, possibly I will get called out.

What's crazy.... I am having some gas issues. That even came up in the dream. GEESH!

I almost forgot what little I could remember of the dream. I finally got up and kicked my son off the LT so I could post this.

I think even my dream from the night before had something going on.

There is something brewing, and I need to keep my eyes open and be ready to stand my ground for whatever is going to happen.

Time to pull out my Tarot deck and see what I can from it.

tarot, tara, dreams, goddess

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