Two jobs - not so easy

Nov 22, 2008 17:33

But three jobs is even harder. If you're a parent, you have a job - raising a child to adulthood. You counsel, cook, clean, discipline, love, support, comfort, friendship, teach, provide for. That is a job, in itself.
If you go out to bring in money for support to pay for clothes, food, housing, recreation - that's a second job.
Me, I have three, sort of. I'm a mother, I do financial aid at a school, and now I try to do what editing I can on Forest's screenplay.
It is, at times, trying, as temperments and ideas clash. As days come by in which I don't feel I can get anything done there because my first job is demanding all my attention.
It's so hard to think when a 2 yr old is crying, demanding, throwing a fit for whatever reason.
So, frankly, I don't get a lot done in the way of editing, nor of just typing while he speaks, because I'm trying to placate El Nino.
Now, I'm also trying to do Yoga everyday, because frankly, I need to get back into shape.
Time to end this. More later.
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