Challenge 97

Sep 10, 2011 20:44

Title: Fluffy Hugglebunny
Rating/Warnings: G/None
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter, Severus Snape
Summary: Snape doesn't think the Harry Potter books show him in a good light. (Challenge 97)
Word Count: 399
Author's Notes: Bit of a whimsical piece.
Registered purchases?: Quill and Parchment



“What the hell is this?!”

Harry looked over to his irate professor whose eyes were bulging as he waved his hand over an array of oddly colored books.

“Uhm…books, sir?”

“I know that, Potter. Obviously, those are books. I am not an imbecile like you.”

Harry wisely kept his mouth shut.

A long arm reached into the pile and pulled out the smallest book. “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” he read.

“What? There’s more books about me?”

Black eyes glared.

“It’s almost all correct. But of course the author has to get me wrong.”

“What did they get wrong?”

“I am not that mean.”

“You made a first-year Ravenclaw cry yesterday.”

He ignored Harry.

“I most certainly did not give you detention for writing down the correct notes.”

“Actually, you did. And you also made one of your Slytherins cry yesterday too. Draco told me.”

“Since when do you-never mind. I don’t want to know.”

“My robes do not billow!”

Harry gave him an incredulous stare. “You mean you don’t do that on purpose?”

“I do not live my life stalking during the night preying on rule-breaking children.”

“Isn’t that why I’m in detention?”

He waved his hand and then stopped in mid-air as a thought suddenly struck him. “Potter! Stop destroying the cauldrons! I said clean them, not rub off the finish.”

Harry looked down at the almost sparkling cauldron with a sigh.

“Since you obviously cannot even do the simplest tasks properly, you are to go through all these books and correct the obvious deficiencies in them. Start with the first one.” He plopped a large stack of books on Harry’s desk.

A half an hour later, Harry shouted in shock. “She has my cupboard in here! How did she know about my cupboard?”

“Yes, yes, we know, your life is fascinating and full of intrigue. Who wouldn’t want to live in a bloody cupboard? It’s all the rage among muggles. Now get to the parts about me and fix those! Nobody wants to hear your self-absorbed ramblings.”


“Detention, Potter.”

Harry sighed.

“Detention for breathing, Potter.”

Five minutes later.

“Fifty points from Gryffindor for reading in detention!”

At the end of the first book, Harry decided that this J.K. Rowling character showed his Professor Snape in a rather nice light. In fact, book!Snape was closer to a fluffy hugglebunny than his Snape.

Word points: 13 points
Bonus points: 10 points
Total: 23 points
Yasona//Slytherin (Mods, could I get an author tag?)

character: severus snape, character: harry potter, author: yasonablack, rating: g

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