Title: Where is my wand?
Rating/Warnings: R/ language, innuendo, groping, handjob
Characters/Pairing: Draco/Harry
Summary: Harry and Draco get locked in a dark closet.
Word Count: 656
Author's Notes: Challenge # 95: Black Out
Registered purchases?: Nope
That's a mighty big wand you have there… Word Count: 656/30 = 21.86 = 22 points
Bonus: 0 points
Total: 22 points
Title: Madam Malkins Part 2
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Draco/Harry
Summary: Draco reminds Harry how different they are.
Word Count: 580
Author's Notes: Challenge# 91: Brittany, Quote used: #3: You look terrible. I look awesome.
Registered purchases?: Nope
Madam Malkins Part 2 Word Count: 580/30 = 19.33 = 19 points
Bonus: 0 points
Total: 19 points
41 points for Hufflepuff!
Can I have an author tag please?