Challenge # 21 - Use The Line

Apr 28, 2011 12:05

Title: A Good Idea?
Rating/Warnings: PG13 for implied, um, not wearing much.
Characters/Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Summary: Ron wakes up the morning after his elopement with Hermione and reflects on how his mother and Harry will take the news.
Word Count: 619
Author's Notes: For challenge 21 - use the line It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Registered purchases?: Yes, both.

Ron awoke with a smile on his face. He could never remember a time before when he had been so happy, so peaceful, so well rested.

Hermione stirred next to him and his smile grew.

They had only been married for about twelve hours; he wasn’t exactly used to waking up next to her. And, boy, could he get used to it.

His wife yawned and nuzzled back into her pillows, drifting off into a deep sleep again.

Ron still couldn’t believe that they had actually gone through with it. Of course, they had only been planning their elopement for a month or so. The idea behind it had been so spontaneous and he had been so excited - something that was just for the two of them. They had run off to Italy (well, not really ‘run’ as Hermione had everything planned down to the last detail) and got married at a church in Venice overlooking the canal. Just the two of them.

It was, if he did say so himself, very romantic. The two of them, all alone in Italy, newly married.

His mother was going to kill him.

And Harry was going to kill him too!

He smacked himself on the forehead. He had known that perhaps their family and friends wouldn’t take their elopement too kindly, but it hadn’t seemed to matter in the heat of the moment. Doing something that was just the two of them without anyone else around to take their thunder away had been the priority but now…

His mother was going to kill him!

Absolutely fry him!

And Harry, poor Harry, hadn’t even gotten to be his best man.

What had he been thinking?

And now here he was, in bed with Hermione, who was his wife, and neither of them were wearing very much and all he could think about was Harry!

Well, Ron thought with a grimace, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

What was he going to do? How could he make this up to them? How could he keep his mother from killing him, or worse, castrating him?

He could see it now: his funeral and his mother’s trial on the same day. Poor Hermione would be left a grieving widow if (and it was a big if) his mother spared her life.

Harry would probably be okay. He was so busy being an auror and generally saving people (like always) that he would understand. Maybe he would be a little sad or persnickety, but in the end he would come around. At least, probably. Just because he and Hermione had both eloped and they were both Harry’s best friends and he had missed their wedding entirely…well, Harry was a man, right? And what did men care about weddings?

But his mother, oh his mother! Maybe they would just move to Italy and not tell anybody. He could be pick up the language in a few years. Hermione knew enough to get them food so, that was something.


Hermione awoke, dazed and slightly confused. For a second she thought that she was back at Hogwarts and somebody in her dorm was crying. Crying like a little, little girl.

She rolled over and realized that she was in bed next to Ron, her new husband. And he was the one crying like a little, little girl.

“Ron?” Hermione asked, raising herself up on an elbow. “Ron, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

He lifted his tear stained face off his pillow and sniffled. “My mum is going to kill me!” He lost himself to a fit of tears again and used the pillow to muffle his sobs.

Hermione rolled her eyes. “I’m going back to sleep.”

620/30 = 20.6 = 21
21 + 10 = 31
31 points for Hufflepuff

*challenge-021, character: ron weasley, era: trio, author: touchofviolet, character: hermione granger, pairing: ron/hermione, rating: pg-13

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