Challenge #73

Apr 12, 2011 21:33

Title: Dear Diary
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Sybill Trelawney
Summary: A page from the great Seer's diary.
Word Count: 1050
Author's Notes: Written for Challenge73: Dear Diary.
Registered purchases?: Both

Dear Diary,

With the help of the stars, I have avoided death today and I am able to sit peacefully in my beautifully-scented room and write my thoughts on your crinkled pages. My day was eventful, as all my days are, but the highlight was my Divination class with the Gryffindors. Just as I had predicted, one of the students left the class today.

It was that talentless Hermione Granger girl. I was honestly not surprised in the least when I saw her getting up and leave my class forever. From the very first day, I felt negative vibrations coming from her and realized that she had absolutely no inclination for the fine art that is Divination. She, like many others, does not understand the multitude of clues that the world around us gives regarding the future. She and the ones like her think that tea leaves are just plain leaves that are arranged in a way because of the movements of the tea. But how does the tea establish the position in which the tea leaves remain afterwards? How can they explain that? They can't! They just prefer to close their minds and claim that what they don't understand to be rubbish. Or palm-reading! The lines on your palm clearly show what kind of fate you'll have. I was terrified to see young Potter's palm. Such short lifelines! It's no wonder though, with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named on his tracks.

Oh, speaking of Potter. That boy has death following him everywhere! He even had the Grim in his tea cup! And he still has the power to smile and laugh and be happy! I would be terrified to have the Grim in my tea cup! I would probably never leave my tower again! Not that I leave, as leaving this intimate space damages my inner-eye's capacities. Not a permanent damage, of course, but it becomes foggy for a few hours afterwards. I cannot risk to get my inner-eye foggy! Who knows what disaster I might fail to predict? No, no, I shall not occupy my time with trivial things and waste my talent away. My tower is enough for me to live and accomplish what I have been set to accomplish! And the stars have shown me, I am going to be great! I am unique already, but my talent is not recognized yet. Oh, how horribly underrated it is! I am trying so hard to teach these close-minded students something, but so many of them reject this wonderful discipline. This year, only two of them are open to be initiated in the secrets of Divination. Two Gryffindor girls, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, who hang on to my every word and acknowledge me for the great Seer that I am! The others are either opposed to my teachings, like the Granger girl, or indifferent, like Potter and Weasley, who I think take Divination as some sort of joke. They seem to believe that if they claim to see death everywhere, they will pass the class. But they are wrong! I don't predict death because of a personal preference, but because it is everywhere! It is all around this old and battered castle and nobody wants to believe me!

Perhaps Headmaster Dumbledore does, since he's the one who hired me, but he is surely corrupted by that rude Transfiguration teacher, Minerva McGonagall. She has a strong dislike for fortune-telling and she doesn't lose one occasion to remind everyone what an "imprecise branch of magic" it is! Ha, imprecise! Of course it's imprecise for her, her Inner eye is as developed as the one of the caretaker's cat! She never loses an opportunity to insult me and mock my talent. The mundane , talentless witch she is! Why do people admire her so much? She has no manners, is incredibly rude and has an air of superiority that floats around her at all times! Just a couple of evenings before, I decided to grace the other teachers with my presence at dinner (which happened because I had seen something terrible in my crystal ball and wanted to warn them) and she jumped on me from the very start. Mocking me and making snide remarks about my abilities, about my beloved art. I was polite and asked where that nice Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was and why he was not at dinner, when she had to butt in and sarcastically claim that I must have known already, since I can see the future! Well of course I knew! I was just trying to be thoughtful! Oh, this kind of ignorant people always have something bad to say about you. If you don't flaunt around your gift, you're not talented and a fraud. If you do show your abilities, you're arrogant and a snob! They're never satisfied.

But oh, dear diary, you know what envy makes of people. Envy is ever-present in our lives today and it rots the person's soul to the core. I know Minerva is envious of me, but I never thought she could be so rude and ill-tempered. I expected her to rise above and act civil towards me, as she does towards other people she surely envies. But with me? Never.

Oh well, I should probably stop poisoning these wonderful pages with lines about that harpy. I should rather speak of what the stars say and what my precious crystal ball has told me. Unfortunately, only bad times are ahead. Terrible, dreadful times! Somebody in this school will die in a few days, and from what I managed to see, it is a student. Harry Potter to be more precise. I am deeply sorry for that boy. He's an innocent soul, he has a good heart, but the stars have decided. He will not live to even complete his education. Perils await him at every corner and he too inexperienced to be able to avoid all of them. He could be protected though, his death delayed, but nobody believes me. They all think I'm a pessimist, that I love tragedy and I only see death. Oh, how sorry the will be when they will see the corpse of the young boy!

My Inner eye is twitching now, so I have to stop here, but I'll continue tomorrow.

1050/30=35 +10= 45 points for Hufflepuff

rating: pg, *challenge-073, author: rainbowpuzzle

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