1 fic; Challenge #51 (Rare Pairs)

Apr 11, 2011 13:33

Title:It could happen to you
Rating/Warnings: pg-13, language, dark themes.
Characters/Pairing: Scabior/Tonks
Summary: This is a tie-in to a larger fic im writing. But basically the 1st war never ended, and Tonks has been captured by Death Eaters. Scabiors mother takes him to see, so he knows what could happen to him if he fails in his pure blood duties.
Word Count: 1000
Author's Notes: i hope this makes enough sense to stand alone. it should do.
Registered purchases?: both!

For ever long stride his mother took, Scabior had to take three short ones.
He didn’t know why she had insisted he come with her, to this huge, foreboding manor house. She insisted there was a reason, if only to get him accustomed to pure blood ways; the ways, she reminded him frequently, he would have to follow and live by when he grew up.
He was too afraid to tell her he didn’t want to be a death eater. He didn’t know what he wanted to do. Sure, his friends were all headed that way, and it would be easy for him to follow. But he’d never wanted to do it for anything more than to fit in.
His mother wanted him to fit in. she wanted him to get a place early. He suspected that was why she was bringing him here. Even though his father- his real father, who he’d never met- had been a muggle born, they hid it, pretending he was a pureblood, a good Slytherin. It was easy enough to act like a pureblood was supposed to, but still… Scabior thought he lacked the courage, and the ability, to do what death eaters did. To torture and kill people.
They had passed through the front gates and the huge oak doors, and were now coming to a large stone staircase. Scabior headed for it, expecting to go upstairs somewhere, but him mother dragged him away, to a smaller, darker side set of stairs heading down.
To the dungeons. There was no other place it could be going.
“The reason we’re here, Scabior,” his mother began, “Is so that you can see what would happen to you if you were not to live up to expectations.” She lowered her voice. “If anyone discovers your father was a…they will do this to you too. So.” Her voice resumed its normal level. “You don’t want this to happen to you, I don’t want this to happen to you… this is just a little incentive to stick to the rules, darling.”
This didn’t sound pleasant. He had no idea what they were about to see, but it was definitely not something good.
It was even worse than he’d imagined.
It had been all over the papers, the young girl snatched by death eaters in the middle of Diagon Alley, two weeks before Christmas.
She was in his year at school. She was a Hufflepuff. And frankly, she fascinated him.
But now he was horrified by the sight of her, chained like an animal in a small, dark, dank cell. Her skin was dirty and bloody, her face raked with long scratches. She was smaller than he remembered, and her cheekbones protruded from her starved face.
Her eyes were wide, and he knew she recognized him.
He wanted to run, but his mothers vulture like grip held him in place. So he just stood there, shaking. She mistook this for fear for his own safety, when really he was terrified of seeing her, someone he knew, someone he shared classes with, looking like this.
She’d never done anything to anyone. She hadn’t deserved this.
“Why…” he couldn’t choke out anything else.
“Her mother married a muggle born.” The story there was too familiar. “Her sister decided to teach her a lesson and took her daughter. You don’t want this to happen to you, do you dear?”
Mutely, he shook his head.
Her eyes were burning into his. She was so small and afraid.
“Can we go now?” his voice came out much quieter than he had intended, but his mother nodded, releasing his shoulder. It took all his concentration not to look back at her, and not to run away.
Going back to school was even worse now.
Her empty seat in every class haunted him, and he couldn’t look away. He’d never felt more guilty in his life- and he hadn’t done anything.
Well, that wasn’t strictly true. He had left her there.
It was hard to contain his relief when the papers reported she’d been found and rescued. Her friends at the Hufflepuff table were crying, hysterical. He had to sit and mope with the Slytherins, many of whom believed she hadn’t deserved to be saved, and many more who didn’t care either way.
It was still another month before she was back at school.
Her hair was no longer bright, but a dull mousy brown, hanging over her face. Her scars didn’t show, but he knew they were there.
He tried his best to avoid her, but they had too many classes together for it to be possible.
He hated the whispers every time she entered a room. He hated that he could feel her eyes on the back of his head, questioning him. Why hadn’t he told someone? Why hadn’t he helped her?
Why couldn’t he look at her?
He couldn’t stand the guilt.
It was by chance he caught her alone in the corridor, as he returned to the common room one night. She’d obviously just come from a remedial potions class; Snape wouldn’t let anyone away with falling behind, no matter what the circumstances were.
He looked at his shoes as he walked past.
“I’m sorry.” He said quietly. She paused, and he looked up at her.
Her shirt sleeves were rolled past her elbows, and he could see the words blood traitor etched into her skin. There was a thin scar running down one of her cheeks.
He didn’t understand why she didn’t cover them. She was a metamorphmagus, after all.
“Thanks.” She replied, just as quietly, a smile on her face for just a second before slipping away again. “but it wasn’t your fault. I wouldn’t have expected anything different from anyone. Hell, I’d have been shit scared of myself.”
“I just… it wasn’t fair, that they did that to you.”
She shrugged, looking away. “life’s never fair, is it?”
She continued walking.
He felt slightly better. Just a little bit.

1000/30= 33
+ 10 for bonuses= 43 points for Gryffindor!

author: native_spirit, character: nymphadora tonks, *challenge-051, character: scabior

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