Challenge #91

Apr 03, 2011 23:12

Challenge #91: Brittany

Your first challenge this month is to use at least ONE of the following eight quotes to inspire your fic. There is no need to include the exact line in the story but it must be obvious enough. If you want to somehow squeeze the quote directly into the fic, that is absolutely fine as well. Please put the quote(s) used in your author's notes/summary. And as you can tell from the challenge title, the quotes are from Glee's Brittany.

#1: Sometimes I forget my middle name.
#2: I'm pretty sure my cat is reading my diary.
#3: You look terrible. I look awesome.
#4: I'm more talented than all of you. I see that clearly now.
#5: I've been practicing nudging the meatball across the table with my nose.
#6: Remember, even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf.
#7: I get my information from Woody Woodpecker cartoons.
#8: Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?

Suggestions and Qs | Need a tag? | Bonus items registration!

!challenge-posts, *challenge-091

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