1 fic - challenge #69, "word table".

Apr 02, 2011 23:32

Title: Hermione
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Hermione-centric; some Ron/Hermione and Harry/Hermione (friendship), too.
Summary: Through Hermione's eyes.
Word Count: 918
Author's Notes: Three Hermione-centric drabbles that revolve around three moments of the Harry Potter series. (One from Chamber of Secrets, two from Deathly Hallows). I wanted to write more - there were three other prompts - but I ran out of time. :(
Registered purchases?: Both registered.

1. Trust.

Hermione Granger has been in lots of dangerous situations before. She’s been faced with the task of drinking a potentially fatal potion; she’s stepped directly in the path of a werewolf under the full moon. Being Harry Potter’s best friend has its downsides, she’s come to learn, and these downsides usually result in her risking her life.

But she can’t remember the last time she’s been in a dangerous, life-threatening situation without Harry at her side. In the Hall of Prophecies, Harry was running alongside her, shooting curses over her head at oncoming Death Eaters. In Godric’s Hollow, Hermione wasn’t quite so terrified of the giant snake because she knew she had Harry for backup.

But now here she was, walking down the dark, damp corridors of the Chamber of Secrets, and it isn’t Harry who reaches out to take her hand. It isn’t Harry who can sense her anxiousness, who knows that her eyes are only open halfway, ready to squeeze shut at the first sign of movement in the darkness. It’s Ron beside her this time, and there’s something reassuring about the confident way he takes her hand in his. It’s like he remembers what happened to her in their second year, remembers it all too well, and will do his damndest not to let it happen again.

Ron offers her a lopsided smile and squeezes her hand. “It’ll be fine,” he assures her. “Trust me.”

And even though it isn’t Harry Potter beside her, Hermione smiles back and nods, because she does. She absolutely does.

2. Reparo.

Hermione has only spent one year as a member of the wizarding world, and two months back with her dentist parents is enough to tell her that she never, ever wants to go back to Muggle school. Ever.

She tries to keep herself busy as she waits for her second year to start. She receives a subscription to the Daily Prophet, probably one of their youngest readers, and pores over every inch of the parchment during breakfast each morning as her parents stare curiously at the moving photographs. She catches her father waving back at the Minister of Magic’s photograph one afternoon in early July. She has mail-order owls deliver her history and spell books, and spends her afternoons out under the willow tree in the backyard, poring over every last detail of her newfound world. And she writes letters, both to Ron and Harry, and sometimes to Hagrid, too. She receives questionable baked goods from the groundskeeper, chicken-scratch letters recounting the daily goings-on of the Weasley family from Ron, and absolutely nothing from Harry. Not even when she sends him a birthday card, knowing full well that those awful relatives of his won’t have thought to throw him a party or even bake him a cake. When this doesn’t elicit a reply from her bespeckled friend, she starts to worry.

But Ron writes to her in early August to tell her he’s sprung Harry from his aunt and uncle’s, and asks her to meet them in Diagon Alley. She excitedly makes arrangements with her parents and starts counting down the days.

When she finally sees Harry again outside of Flourish and Blotts, he’s a little taller, his hair is a little messier, and his glasses are patched together with a thick wad of sellotape. Of course they are.

Hermione waves her wand in his direction and says, “Reparo!” with a grin on her face. Once Harry’s pulled them off to gawk at her handiwork, she launches herself at him and pulls him into a hug. And as she hugs him, Hermione hears the soft hoot of owls and the swish of cloaks, and grins into Harry’s shoulder. Because she is finally, finally, back home.

3. Terrified.

Hermione has always thought of herself as a strong person. She’s always considered herself equal to the boys, and thought that while she may not be the strongest girl out there, her smarts would be able to get her out of pretty much any situation she finds herself in. She isn’t a damsel in distress, thank you very much, and thinks herself perfectly capable of saving herself. That is, until she’s brought to the Malfoy manor.

She’s thrown to the ground and can’t help the whimper of pain that escapes her. Bellatrix Lestrange stands over her, hair and eyes wild. She kicks Hermione’s stomach, hard, and Hermione wheezes as she clutches it in pain. For the first time, she can’t see any way out. She has no textbook knowledge of how to escape from a deranged psychopath. She doesn’t have the right answers. For once in Hermione’s life, she feels absolutely, utterly, terrified.

Bellatrix leans over her and sneers, “Had enough yet, sweetie?” Her bony fingers wrap around Hermione’s hair and jerk her head up. Hermione screams.

Bellatrix drags Hermione by her hair, somehow strong enough to get her halfway across the room, despite the way Hermione kicks and writhes. She pins Hermione down with her knees, rendering her wriggling ineffective, and pulls a sharp piece of glass out from her robes.

“Filthy mudblood,” Bellatrix mutters, her voice dripping with disgust, and she actually spits onto Hermione’s robes. Then she presses the edge of the glass against Hermione’s skin, drawing beads of blood to the surface. Hermione tries her hardest not to cry, pressing her eyes shut firmly, and silently begs for someone - anyone - to help her. For once, she actually wants to be saved.


918 words / 30 = 30.6 30
+ 10 points (purchases) =


character: ron weasley, character: harry potter, *challenge-069, character: hermione granger, character: bellatrix lestrange, pairing: ron/hermione, author: kissoffools, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/hermione

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