Challenges 42, 73, and 76

Apr 01, 2011 00:26

Title: Forty Two
Rating/Warnings: PG due to a single swear word I managed to limit myself
Characters/Pairing: James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius with mentions of Lily and Severus
Summary: For a punishment Sirius has to write a forty two page term paper and he isn’t quite sure how to go about life with such a huge task hanging over his head.
Word Count: 1383
Author's Notes: PLUNDERWEAR!
Registered purchases?: Both

“Can you believe it? Forty two. I can’t even wrap my mind around it. How am I supposed to write forty two pages? Who wants to read that much? Are they out of their mind? I don’t even know what to do right now. This is outrageous. How can these people still teach at this school? James what do I do?” Sirius paced back and forth across the room, clearly agitated. He had managed to back himself into a figurative corner. After skipping Astronomy one too many times, or perhaps it was being caught snogging with Marlene McKinnon, he wasn’t entirely sure, Sirius was told the only way he would be able to pass the class was to write a rather long and clearly excruciating term paper.

“Well I don’ t know what James will say,” Remus grumbled, cutting his roommates off. “But my first suggestion is simply to shut up and do it. You are the one who felt that your charm and good looks would buy you through this and clearly it won’t work.”

“My charm and good looks are my best assets, Mooney! If they can’t get me through this how am I supposed to survive?” He raked his hands through his hair tossing the black strands wildly about before they fell back into a perfect position. Remus had decided that Sirius charmed them to go back there, though he had no evidence either way on the matter.

James leaned forward on the bed and pushed his glasses up his nose. “Sirius, I’m going to say something that will probably upset you. I’m sorry in advance, but I think you need to hear it.”

Turning, Sirius looked at James. All the boys in the room did, in fact, not just the group of unregistered animagi and their werewolf companion. “And what, exactly, is that?” A sharp edge already crept into Sirius’ voice as if a warning, but he knew James would go through with it no matter what. “This had better not be some reference to forty two being the number of girls I have snogged or times I’ve skipped class because that will earn you a fist to the jaw.”

“No, nothing of the like, actually.” James sat up a bit more in bed. “Certainly, you are from the Most Noble and Pure House of Black, but Merlin’s Beard Sirius! Either you’re proud of your family and you’re going to garner all the favors and hardship that come with the name or you’re going to embrace the fact that you hate the lot of them and be your own man! Now make a fucking choice!”

Crickets chirping round the world could have been heard in the silence. Peter’s jaw dropped and hung somewhere near his feet. Never in the past four years had James even said anything remotely that direct or potentially hurtful to any of them. Peter suddenly wished he could turn into a rat right there and scurry away, but the other roommates removed that option just as soon as it crossed his mind.

“James Potter. I am going to let you live because you are my best mate. But if you ever say anything like that again, I will march down to the dungeons and beg to be let in, do you hear me?” Without waiting for a response as well as all but radiating anger Sirius stalked out of the room. The door slamming behind him echoed throughout the entire Tower. Even Juliana Kolling, the Head Girl, just let Sirius walk by instead of chastising him for his irresponsible and immature behavior.

“Ouch.” Remus commented, finally breaking the silence in the dorm.

“Too much?” James cocked his head thoughfully.

“Oh no, I think it is accurate and called for, but ouch none the less!”

“I’m sure he’ll find some bird to soothe his pain and in the morning all will be forgotten. It’s Sirius, after all. He can’t stay mad at me for too long, who else will do his homework?”

Peter chimed in happily, “Remus does his homework, James.”

“Not the point, mate.” James waved a dismissive hand and proceeded to pick up a quill and start writing as if to prove him wrong. In fact James wrote a whole assignment himself after that, though the amount of edits Remus made too it may have negated the fact that James wrote anything at all in the first place. It was atrocious, as normal, but James was never good at the formal essays.

James was wrong, though. The next morning Sirius was no less sour with his friends. He was calm, almost quiet, and polite, but still clearly upset. He muttered ‘forty two’ at random times and would typically grab a quill and scratch something down as if to remind himself of some fact or revelation. Peter rolled his eyes. For all his own shortcomings, Peter Pettigrew was amazing at Astronomy. Sometimes he almost felt hurt that James and Sirius went to Remus to get notes and ideas for their assignments instead of him, but Peter would show them this time. He would write the outline for the paper, give it to Sirius, and finally garner some appreciation.

A week passed and James was still not forgiven. Sirius had returned almost entirely to his happy go lucky self, but when it came time for their plotting for the next full moon (which was only four days away now), Sirius was strangely absent. Remus seemed totally unaffected by it, as he still had no real recollection of the events during his transformation so his mates could plan until the proverbial cows came home and it wouldn’t matter to him so long as he was out of the Castle.

Dawn was just breaking on the horizon when Sirius Black finally returned to the room. “I’ve done it and there is nothing any of you can say to get my spirits down now!” He slammed a book and some parchment on his desk and all but preened. Sirius, without any help from a student, managed to in just over a week create a rough draft of his forty two page term paper. Crawling up into the large poster bed, he was asleep as the birds started flying away from a rather upset Whomping Willow.

Bleary eyed, Peter stretched in his bed. “What do you suppose that was about?”

“Maybe he shagged Evans before Potter got to.” Remus laughed heartily at his own joke, knowing it would irk his friend, and was rewarded with a pillow to the face.

“I don’ t want to shag her!”

“James. You talk about her in your sleep. Of course you want to shag her.”

“OH NOW WHAT! Even Peter sees it!” Remus rolled about in his bed laughing. “Don’t tell me you’ve developed a conscious and you’re going to be a gentleman! You hate her mate, Snape, you can’t possibly like her even though you may want her!”

“Would you lot shut up! I’m sleeping.” Sirius grumbled, pulling the comforter over his head.

Remus chuckled deeply, the wolf barking slightly in his voice. “No you’re not. Now what is this that you’ve done that we can’t get you down about?”

“My paper. It’s done. I wanted to finish it before our meeting. I’d hate to have that hanging over my head. Besdies, when you get back you’re always in a great frame of mind to look at what I’ve written and edit it.”

“Sirius, if you’ve only written two pages I can’t magically multiply it.”

“Well that won’t be a problem, smart arse, since there are nearly fifty there. You’ll have to help me edit down. Also I don’t like my closing. I’d really like some help there.

“D-did Sirius just finish schoolwork ahead of time?” Peter quite seriously then fell out of bed. “I meant to do that!” The defense was yelped as he stood suddenly, trying to look smooth.

After the other boys had a fit of laughter, Remus added, “I’m sure. It was simply a gravity check. It still works. Thank heavens the world hasn’t gone topsy turvy with Black being a student. Thanks for checking it out for us, Peter.”

“Naturally,” Peter grumbled and decided since he was already up he might as well start his day fully.
1383/30= 46 points

Title: Dear Diary
Rating/Warnings: PG? Sexual suggestion? idk
Characters/Pairing: Ginny Weasley/her Diary (aka Tom Riddle)
Summary: Ginny writes to her best friend, Tom. She finds he’s a charming ‘person’ and will do anything to please him.
Word Count: 1546
Author's Notes: I just remember some boy who I barely spoke to being my everything at age 11, so I tried to capture that. Sometimes it makes it feel a little unbelievable, but we’ve all been there.
Registered purchases?: both

Dear Tom,

I know you say you enjoy reading what I write, but I have a lot on my mind today. I’m finally at Hogwarts and I’m so excited to be a Gryffindor. My whole family was sorted into Gryffindor, both my parents and all six of my brothers so it would have been odd if I wasn’t. I guess I’m really excited though because I get to see Harry now and again. My stupid mum wouldn’t let me talk to him when I saw him the first time. I was ready to walk up to him and say hello and something witty, I don’t know what, but I’m sure it would have stuck with him and then he would have fallen madly in love with me. I can be charming, right? You say I’m charming and certainly you can’t be the only one who thinks this way. Tom, I want to go on an adventure. I’m so bored just being in this room with all these girls. Some of them still cry every night and we’ve been at school nearly two full months now! Don’t get me wrong, I miss my parents and my family a lot too, but I’ve been waiting for SO LONG to go to Hogwarts it seems absurd not to be just thrilled to be here and make the most of the situation.

Tom, you went to Hogwarts, didn’t you? Tell me what it was like when you were here. Tell me to go some place that people don’t go to now. I want to have something special to show Harry when I finally get the perfect chance to talk to him. I just know he’ll love me the same way I love him.

With much appreciation,

My sweet Ginny,
You most certainly are charming. I can’t see how you don’t have a whole gaggle of boys following you around and vying for your attention. I guess that makes me the lucky one then, I get you all to myself. I’m glad you’re excited to be a Gryffindor. Yes, I am very well aware of what Hogwarts has to offer, especially someone as bright and bold as yourself. If you trust me enough, I’d love to show you all the wonderful things I saw when I was here last. My name really isn’t Tom, but he was the last person to truly use this diary so I go by that name. I hope you aren’t upset by this, it’s just easier to go by Tom than to try to explain the whole back story, it’s still very painful to me. Time doesn’t pass the same way here so it still feels very fresh and apparent even though much time has passed. Oh Ginny, I cannot wait to take you someplace new, can I show you something now? If I give you directions will you follow where they go? It might be scary, so I certainly understand if you say no. Someone as kind and gentle as you certainly would not want to go on this journey. No, no how silly of me. You are far too delicate and important to me to put in that position, Ginny, though I thank you in advance for your thoughts.


Oh no Tom! I most certainly will go if you ask it of me! I know I’m a girl but I can do anything my older brothers can (well, within reason, obviously!) If there is something you want me to see then I want to see it and sooner rather than later! If you think it would be best to go now then I should! However I know sometimes you say things should be done when I have more time and though it is nearly time for bed I will stay up all night with you if you want me to! Tom I would do anything to make you happy. You seem so sad when I leave you alone for long amounts of time. I wish I could take notes in here just to give you something to read about, but if you’re as bored as I am then you’d probably just fall asleep. My stupid brother got a Howler today and tried to blame it on me, can you believe it? He’s such an idiot, I don’t understand why Harry is friends with him. His bright green eyes just sparkle so brightly in the cool air now! Oh how I wish he’d see me Tom - but no, I shouldn’t say such things. You see me for who I am, I don’t want to upset you! I’m sorry! Please don’t be mad, Tom! I’d take it back if I could but once the ink is on the page it’s too late, isn’t it?

Tom please come back! I’m so very sorry! It’s been nearly twenty minutes, which is quite long in my time, for you not to answer! This is so odd for you. Please forgive me! I don’t know what I’d do without you, Tom!


I apologize for my delay, but I was planning. You say it’s late and I didn’t want to disturb you, that is mostly why I didn’t answer. Since you are so adamant though, I can’t help but to respond. You are of course forgiven though you did no wrong.
I have an idea of something to do this weekend. Can you meet me an hour before curfew on Friday? You’re right that time is different for me, so please do tell me when the weekend is upon us so I can keep things straight or I’m afraid I’ll forget and it would pain me deeply to disappoint you. Are those tears falling on the page? Oh Ginny, dear, don’t cry. You have my attention whenever you want it and for as long as you want it, don’t forget that. I can only hope that this “Harry Potter” fellow doesn’t steal you away from me since you say he is so charming and brilliant. Oh how I’m upset about him, you have no idea, Ginny, it’s so very frustrating to be here and not there.

With deepest regret,

Lovely Tom,
Thank you for responding. Yes, those were tears. I was afraid that I had truly offended you and I just didn’t know what to think about that. Nobody but you thinks I’m pretty or smart. Well, some of my professors seem to think I’m smart, but that’s not the same. I can answer questions in class but so many of the girls, especially those Hufflepuff girls, now have boyfriends. Why am I so ugly? It’s probably my red hair, do you think I should try to dye it Tom? You’ve seen what I look like, what would you change about me? I’ll wait and read in the morning, I hope you have something to inspire me through tomorrow, I need a pick me up.
Much Love, Ginny

Sweetest Ginny,
The only thing I would change is that you and I could truly be together. I have changed my mind about what I want to show you. Today, as soon as you can, you have to come with me. I have so much to show you. You’re so brilliant though I’m sure you’ll see right through my chivalrous acts, but how can a Gryffindor not appreciate that? I can show you so much, Ginny. I need you. I need you to help me and you are the only one who can do it. There is a tunnel that you’ll have to go through, are you up for an adventure? It’s a secret, so you must not tell anyone, even your brothers. Most importantly not Ron, he wouldn’t understand. Brothers can be so confusing, as you’ve said, and I feel that he would be jealous of you spending so much time with me. He doesn’t understand you the way I do, Ginny. The way you laugh when I curl the end of my capital V (see! I did that just for you so you could laugh yet again!) The boys at this school must be daft. You are so very special, Ginny. I’m glad that I was brought into your hands, only you truly get me. Tom, from before Tom, tried, but even he fell to the wayside. Your grace amazes me and I can only hope to catch when you feel lost. I can barely wait for the time that you are done with class and I can show you the secret I have.
With anticipation,

Oh Tom! I can barely stand it! I want to leave class early but I know you’d be upset if I do. Professor Binns is just going on about nothing yet again, I want to slip away. Where will I be going to when I meet you? Is it someplace romantic? Or someplace more silly? Please don’t delay with a response, Tom. I promise to not leave class, I just have to know!


Wonderful Ginny,

It is a secret for a reason, but you will see soon enough. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you, remember that. Now pay attention to the professor, he will expect a full parchment, I’m sure!
Very patiently and always yours,

1546/30= 51.5 52 points

Title: What Dreams May Come
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Godric Gryffindor with mentions of the other Founders
Summary: Godric has a strange and crack filled dream with many references to the HiH world as we know it!
Word Count: 840
Author's Notes: This is such crack, but in honor of PIRATE WEEK I wanted to throw it in there and max out - the points just worked out that well!
Registered purchases?: both

Godric Gryffindor had always dreamed of being a pirate on the high seas. He felt the fortune and fame, or perhaps infamy, was something he found intoxicating. He could imagine the salty wind blowing through his hair and beard. He knew his red hair and fair skin would certainly get him burned, but he didn’t care. It was just that quick that he was standing on the deck of a ship. He wore a ripped red shirt and pale gold pants that stopped at about his knees. He was a proud pirate and his crew of miscreants was ready for a fight. In the distance on land he could see the proud colors of the Hufflepuff Knights. They were having a great feast and jousting, celebrating what they assumed to be a certain win of epic proportions. Turning his gaze, Godric could also see the Aristocrats of Slytherin who were having a very posh dinner with fine drinks. He was quickly jostled out of the moment when his first mate called, telling them there was another ship approaching. Quickly the crew of the Lion hoisted their colors, the skull and crossbones flapping in the wind. The strange ship approached but kept its distance. There were shields all along the side of this boat displaying blues and bronze, many with their own coat of arms. The ship rowed away, a beautiful woman saluting him as the ships were at their closest point. Godric simply nodded in return as if that would explain everything.

Looking down Godric examined his map. Just as soon as he did so the Lion was out in the open sea, heading straight for a menacing looking island. Godric smiled, this was going to be good. It felt like the ship took forever to get to the island. Clearly they were making progress but the island was getting no closer. Then, without warning, the ship had dropped anchor off the island and he and his pirate crew were on their tiny boats rowing to shore. He noted that they all had on red, gold, black, or white, and in his opinion looked rather dashing. Upon reaching the sand Godric pulled out his might rubied sword and led his troops into the jungle. They hacked and played about, none of them getting tired, sweaty, or had any thirst. Though someone suddenly did have rum, but none of the pirates got drunk. Rounding a tree there was a huge cliff in front of them. Godric smiled, in the side of the cliff was the opening to a cave and certainly there was gold to plunder inside of it. He knew there would be someone guarding it, but that didn’t scare him. No, he knew that no matter what occurred he was going to do his best to win what was his. Or perhaps it could be anyone’s, but he was here so he was going to claim it if he had his own way about the situation!

The group of them all charged into the mouth of the cave like it was nothing. Though it was dark they had no problem seeing and navigating clearly as they delved into the depths of the earth. They must have gone in for quite some time because the temperature rose dramatically. Only now did the men and women begin to show signs of discomfort with the heat and grow weary. Godric was no so easily put off though and he pushed onwards. One by one his crew fell off, unable to continue. As he continued on the cave began to lighten as the fire burned and the heat came at him in waves. He put his sword at the ready, prepared to fight whatever beast lay beyond. There was a dragon sleeping on a pile of gold, the same as all the stories of yore. Smiling Godric crept up to the great beast, sneaking pieces of eight into his pocket and slipping rings onto his fingers. He froze however, as a shower of golden coins slid down the great mound. The dragon didn’t stir. Feeling quite cocky, Godric moved more coins to see what would happen. When the dragon still didn’t stir, he all but hugged the great beast, laughing as he pressed his face against its great underbelly, his beard surely tickling the dragon when he moved. Without any more warning, the dragon twitched in its slumber and kicked Godric with all its might. Godric went flying through the walls of the cave, over the great jungle that he fought his way through, and back onto the beach near the Lion. His crew had all returned there to the boats, each in perfect health and was prepared to set sail yet again. It wasn’t long before they were back on the boat, setting sail with Godric’s plunder laying about them on the deck.

Godric grumbled in his sleep, turning over without waking. If he was able to remember his dream in the morning, the world as he knew it would certainly change.
840/30= 28
46+52+28= 126 125 points + ( 10 bonus * 3 fic) = 155 points for GRYFFINDOR!

character: peter pettigrew, character: james potter, author: klef, rating: pg, character: sirius black, rating: pg-13, character: remus lupin, character: ginny weasley

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