1 fic; Challenge #89

Mar 21, 2011 23:33

Title: Too similar to get along
Rating/Warnings: g
Characters/Pairing: Sirius, Tonks, Remus, mention of Snape.
Summary: After a full blown argument between Snape and Sirius, Tonks points out that maybe Sirius is more like him than he wants to think.
Word Count: 583
Author's Notes: I maybe kinda bent the prompt a little bit, but the general idea is still there. right?
Registered purchases?: both!

The door to the kitchen of Grimauld place slammed shut.
There was absolute silence from the few people in the room: Sirius, still standing ,chest heaving as he fought to calm himself down; Remus, staring intently at his book but obviously not reading a word; Molly, her eyes back to her cooking now the drama was over; and Tonks, staring at Sirius in shock.
“What?” he said irritably, throwing her a dirty look as he collapsed on the couch.
“Does it not bother you?” She asked, frowning.
“Does what bother me? How much of a prick Snape is? I thought the answer to that was obvious.” He raised an elegant eyebrow as Tonks shook her head.
“Not that. I mean how bloody alike you are.”
“Excuse me? I am nothing- I am NOT like him!”
Tonks shrugged, turning back to her daily prophet. “Sure you are. You’re both hot headed, you both enjoy a good argument. You can both be arrogant douches. Not to mention you’re both cunning and evil at times.”
“I am not evil!! Or an arrogant douche.” Sirius sounded hurt.
Without looking up from the paper, Tonks replied “I know it was you who stole my underwear and put it all in Remus’ wardrobe. No one else would ever come up with something quite so immature.”
Remus’ face was a deep red. “She has a point. That was definitely you.”
“No it wasn’t.”
“You also lie a lot. Another similarity. No wonder you clash so much.”
“Just because we argue, does NOT mean it’s because we’re similar!” Sirius said hotly. “It’s because he’s an ass, he’s always been an ass, and now he’s being an ass to my godson. I think I have a right to be pissed at him for that, don’t you?”
“Dumbledore asked him to teach Harry Occulumency, Sirius. It’s not like he asked for the job just so he could abuse him.” Remus said matter-of-factly, finally turning a page in his book.
Sirius was still glaring at Tonks. “It almost sounds like you think I should be in Slytherin.”
She put her paper down, rolling her eyes.”Does that really still matter to you? What house you were in at School? Merlin! People change, Sirius, and no one only has traits of just one house. It hardly matters what house you were in at school when you get into the real world.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re a Hufflepuff.”
Her hair flared red. “Don’t go picking fights, Sirius. I’m not playing your little game. I know you’re sick of being cooped up, but you don’t have to be so rude.” She stood, folding her paper under her arm. “All I was getting at was you and Snape only clash so much because your personalities are so similar. Also, right now is a prime example of you being an arrogant douchebag.”
She turned on her heel and left, slamming the door shut behind her, just as Snape had done.
Sirius sighed. “Great. Just great. Please tell me you don’t agree with her, Moony?”
Remus shut his book. “I know I don’t often tell you off, Sirius… But you can be a real jerk sometimes. She wasn’t having a go at you, or saying you’re a Slytherin. Just that you and Snape wouldn’t have such full blown arguments if you weren’t so similar in temperament.”
“I’m not like him.” Sirius said sullenly, crossing his arms across his chest.
Remus stood. “Deny all you like. But you really are.”

+10 for bonuses =29 points for Gryffindor!

character: sirius black, character: severus snape, author: native_spirit, *challenge-089, character: nymphadora tonks, character: remus lupin

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