Term XIX Fic Exchange Submission Post

Mar 20, 2011 15:49

Hello lovelies!

I trust that you are all busy writing your gift fics! When you're done, please turn in your fics right here. All stories are due 25th March 2011, 2359 UTC. Please keep your giftee and your fic anonymous until the reveal is posted on March 29th.

NOTE: If you'd like your fic to be proofread by someone else, feel free to do so, but since this exchange is on a time limit (and not like a regular week), I won't award points to your beta. If you do use one, please do keep your giftee a secret :)

Please submit using the form provided. It would be a lot of help if you used <i>TEXT</i> for italics and <b>TEXT</b> for bolding (TEXT → whatever text you have) in your fic. If you want to just bold and italicise in the normal way, it's okay; I'll add in the formatting for you :)

Your name/house:
Giftee's name/username/house:
# of words:
Author's Notes:

You can submit in multiple comments. Please put 'Part #' in the subject line to keep track :D NC-17 stories should be linked to and not posted directly here.

The rules are here if you want to check anything. If you still require clarification from your giftee, please PM or email me (my email address can be found in the profile) ASAP.

Please comment in the relevant thread if you have questions. If you are unable to complete/submit your fic on time, please notify me ASAP by LJ comment, PM or email.

Without wax,

!fic-exchange, !mod-post

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