1 fic; Challenge #51 (Rare Pairs)

Mar 08, 2011 12:31

Title: I waited.
Rating/Warnings: pg, alcohol
Characters/Pairing: Scabior/Tonks
Summary: He's waited for her, but she never wanted him. not till now.
Word Count:896
Author's Notes: excuse me while I abuse the rare pairings challenge, I feel obliged to now i have a pretty matching icon.
Registered purchases?: both!

The Leaky Cauldron could be, late at night, a very miserable place. And yet, Scabior found himself feeling right at home among the drunks, the depressed and the unwanted who came to drink their sorrows away. He wasn’t depressed, or terminally ill. He hadn’t been infected or bitten. He was employed, he had money. His troubles were nothing compared to the others who came here.
His only problem was what he had lost. It had been a while- years in fact- since he’d last seen her, but he still couldn’t get her out of his head. He didn’t want to, no matter how much he knew he should.
She had moved on. He hadn’t. So he came here, late at night, to drink her away. To try and forget.
He had, in his opinion, been doing a quite fine job as well. He’d wake up the next morning with no idea who’s bed he was in, and a pounding headache, both enough to keep his thoughts occupied for most of the day. So he was doing a very good job of forgetting her, right up to the moment she walked through the Leaky Cauldron door.
His drink had fallen to the ground with a smash, and had turned to face the bar where he sat, unmoving until he heard her move past him. And not notice him.
At least, he didn’t think she’d seen him.
He let out a sigh, and had just ordered another drink when he felt a small hand on his shoulder.
Nymphadora Tonks was standing right behind him, and she didn’t even look unhappy to see him.
“Been a while, hasn’t it?” she asked, her smile wide, but only lasting a second as he made no reply. She sat on the stool next to him.
“How’ve you been?”
He shrugged, downing his firewhiskey in on gulp.
“That good, eh?”
“What are you doing here?” it came out angrily, and to his surprise, a little slurred.
She raised an eyebrow. “It’s a pub. I thought it would be obvious what I’m doing here.”
“You here alone?” he managed not to slur this time.
She shook her head. “With some of the guys from work. They think getting drunk will increase their stamina for our physical tomorrow.”
“Not here with a boyfriend then?”
He saw her smile. “No. he’s away at the moment.”
He couldn’t hide the disappointment on his face. He’d thought she was about to say that she didn’t have one, and that would have made him slightly hopeful.
She noticed as well. “Still holding out then?” her voice sounded colder. Unimpressed. He didn’t reply, just shrugged.
“You know Scabior, I’ve heard a lot about you recently.” Her hard eyes were drilling into the side of his head as he refused to look at her. “Rumour has it you’ll be getting a mark any day now.”
“Rumour exaggerates.”
“By how much?”
There was no use denying it. He knew she was in the Order. She knew. “Any day now is hardly likely.” He said quietly.
“But you’re joining.”
He shrugged once again. He didn’t want to explain his reasoning to her.
“Fine.” She stood. “If that’s the case, I’d stop holding onto the past then, if I were you. As a rule, a try to have as little to do with Death Eaters as possible.”
He watched her leave. Her pink hair flaring with red the ends, her tight dark clothes blending into the darkness of the bar.
Turning, he ordered another shot.
And then another. And another.
He didn’t see her again after that. He didn’t want to either.
But then things started to happen. The fiasco at the ministry. Sirius Black dead. The Dark Lord’s return revealed to the public.
It didn’t alter his lifestyle much. He kept going to the Leaky Cauldron, he kept drinking, he kept himself distracted. He just did a little extra work.
She was obviously trying to do the same thing when he saw her, sitting in his usual seat at the bar. She’d changed though. Whatever had happened to her and changed her completely.
Her hair was brown, pulled back in a messy bun. Her dark make up was smudged, as if she’d been rubbing her eyes, or crying. Her clothes were no longer tight on her small frame.
Cautiously, he sat down next to her.
“Still holding out?” she asked hollowly, staring straight ahead, her finger running round the rim of her glass.
Once again, he just shrugged. She knew his answer; he didn’t need to repeat it.
“I think,” she said slowly, “that maybe that would have been a good idea.”
She turned to him, her eyes brimming with tears.
“He left, then?” he wanted to feel sorry for her, but it was hard to, after years of waiting.
She shrugged. The answer was obvious.
“Would it be worth it? Holding out- for me? We’ve changed so much.”
“You’re always worth it.” He replied softly.
“But I’m not. I was horrible to you. Why do you wait for that?”
“You weren’t as horrible as you think. Not all the time. And even when you were being horrible... you were still so good.”
“Do you care?”
“About what?” he asked, confused.
“If I use you again.”
He hardly needed to think before answering. “No.”
She gave a small smile.
“Then this could work.”

896/30=29.6 aka 30
+10 for bonuses
Total: 40 points for Gryffindor!!

author: native_spirit, character: nymphadora tonks, rating: pg, *challenge-051, character: scabior

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