Challenge #85

Jan 06, 2011 15:39

Challenge #85: New Year's Resolutions… With A Twist!

HELLO WRITERS! Here is your first January prompt! No wait, don't groan yet! Write a fic around the idea of New Year Resolutions AND you have to use at least 3 out of the 9 following prompts somewhere within your story:

A shower curtain
A Quidditch locker room
One brown egg

"I suspect aliens."
A Puffskein
The Hogsmeade Post Office

Mismatched socks
"I will allow you to hug me once a month."
A mixtape

More Information:

This came about after I looked at last term's suggestions post. A few writers mentioned that they would like random prompts, and so I thought about combining random phrases/words with the usual theme challenges. And so this was born. I hope you all like it; if you have any issues, please comment and I'll attend to them ASAP.

An informal challenge for you: write 100-word drabbles for this challenge! (Connected or not, it's up to you, but mind that works of 200 words and below are eligible for half the points for bonus items) The idea of a 100-word challenge regarding NYR was brought to us by proudpansy, and while I thought it was a niftyniftynifty idea, I think that you all should have the option to write a full-length fic if y'all wanted. So this is an informal challenge to you! Thank you Stephan! :D

One last thought: remember that your fic has to be about the idea of NYRs. So your characters may be making NYRs, they may be discussing about NYRs, or breaking them, or forgetting about them… anything you want! I hope the prompts help!

Suggestions and Qs? | Need a tag? | Register your bonus items!

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