Fic Amnesty Day! \o/

Oct 31, 2010 00:52

Title:Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Lily/James
Summary: Just another Halloween night
Word Count: 1232
Author's Notes: n/a
Registered purchases?: both

“So he took out his heart so he would never feel again.”

“What? That doesn’t even make sense, James. You can’t take out your heart. Besides, I’ve heard Melinda tell me children’s tales and that sounds very familiar.” Lily huffed and crossed her arms. She and James were having a date and were in an empty room with a balcony. Well, they were the whole way on the balcony, using each other for warmth since the wind blew with a bitter chill. The wind was always angry around All Hallow’s Eve as if the thought of the dead returning for a night was an entirely unpleasant thing.

James frowned and pulled Lily tight to him. “I’m not joking, Lils, it’s the truth!”

Lily huffed, knowing better. “So let’s pretend for a moment you could take your own heart out, where would you put it? What would you do with it? What if a crazy person like Sirius Black got a hold of it and mashed it up before feeding it to Peter, who may I add, has snuck down to the kitchens every night this week. He’s going to be as fat as a pig soon!”

James laughed. His breath met the cool air and showed immediately, giving yet another sign of things ending. “Well, I personally would put it someplace that I don’t think anyone else would look. I’d stick it in a book and leave it with Sirius and it would never be touched. Not even you or Remus could get to it there, and don’t you disagree with me, you know I’m entirely right. Even if he did open it, which he would not, he’d just prod it once then close it back up again. He would chalk it up to some wild hallucination and move on with his life the same way other people would.”

The wind blew again, stirring leaves that lay lifeless and crisp on the ground. It pulled them up and made them dance like disjointed puppets. Cracking and brittle, the leaves broke into pieces, shifting wherever the wind took them, paying no mind to the other students running and playing games in the yard. There was a group of Hufflepuff first years playing Duck Duck Goose, and a group of Ravenclaw Seventh years playing some type of game that involved kissing and swapping partners. James thought that in a different time of his life, he would have wanted to crash that party. Or sneak up on them all in a werewolf suit. Thanks to Peter’s avid renditions of a Muggle Halloween, James certainly thought that would be a good adventure to go on.

“So Lily,” James waited until her hair shifted when she turned towards him. Her pale neck showed bright in the moonlight. The fleeting though of whispering vampire in her ear and then biting her flitted through his head, but he quickly dismissed it. “If you had the chance to speak to one person who is now dead, and ask them a question, who would it be and what would you ask them?”

“James!” Lily blushed red, watching the Slytherins play some type of tag game that also involved throwing spells as they ran. “What kind of question is that?”

For a few moments James pondered his response. “It is… the kind that lets me pick your brain a bit. It lets me see how you tick and what makes you function. That’s not such a bad thing, is it?”

“Well, no. I guess not. I just wasn’t expecting it.” Lily settled against James, resting her head against his chest. Several minutes passed as she thought while watching the other students play their various games in the yard. The Slytherins blasted their way through the Ravenclaws, quite literally, and chase gave way between the two groups, which naturally attracted the attention of the young Badgers. The Hufflepuffs seemed to quickly make up their collective mind that it would be a good time to relocate their game someplace a bit less active, and as a group reentered Hogwarts. “I think, that if I had the chance to speak to someone, I would talk to my uncle Harold.” She heaved a gentle sigh and with a wiggle, turned in James’ arms to face him. “You see, Uncle Harold died when I was about eight. My parents always told me there were some strange goings on around the death, but nobody ever really knew what to make of it. Now that I’m older and I’ve been here,” Lily gestured to Hogwarts Castle. “I realize that there is nothing it could have been but magic. I wish I knew what happened, and if he always snuck me extra things over Petunia because he knew I was a witch and she… was not.” The last two words were very quiet, as if Lily was upset that was not allowed the opportunity to share this fully with the people in her life.

With another great sigh, this one filled with sadness and remorse, Lily leaned fully against James. She wrapped her arms around his waist and tucked her head under his chin. He reached his arms around her as well and while his right hand rubbed her back soothingly, he asked, “Lily, I wish I could give you that chance.” James wasn’t quite sure how the conversation took the turn it did, and really wondered what he could have done to take things in another direction. He wished that he could do something to comfort Lily more, but as much as she had talked about her family (and James was sure he could tell each member their own life story) not once had he before heard of this Uncle Harold. “Ok, I am about to do something very sappy. I know that you like to tease me, and I you, but I really want you not to mock me because this is kind of difficult to say.”

Lily pulled her head back and looked up at James through his fine glasses. She nodded. “Ok James, no jokes. What is on your mind?”

Averting his gaze, as he suddenly felt very self conscious, he slowly told her, “Some day… if and when you have kids. I hope that whoever you are with, lets you name your first little boy Harold.”

Lily flushed up to her ears. “James, that’s very sweet. I hate that name, though, so can we settle for Harry? It’s much cuter. I can’t imagine you running around the house and being mad at a little boy named Harry. Plus any little boy would be just like you.”

Flabbergasted at the ‘we’ and ‘us’ and general forever togetherness of the previous statement, James didn’t know what to do. “I told you I would never lie to you Lily. The thought of us that far in the future simultaneously excites me and scares the living piss out of me. “

“I know.” Lily giggled. “It’s Halloween, though. I’ll let you decide if that is the trick or the treat I give you for the night.”

James narrowed his eyes and glared at her as a smile curled on his lips. Quickly that smile turned into a full out cheeky grin and James reached his hand down to pinch Lily’s bottom. She squealed and jumped, naturally pushing herself against James. “That’s what you get for being a cheeky girl!”

1232/30=41 (bonus at the end)

Title: Poor Choices
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Neville, Lee, OC
Summary: Sometimes even the best people make poor decisions and it takes someone being a stand up guy to fix it.
Word Count: 985
Author's Notes: with a little prompt like help from emptyhanded09
Registered purchases?: both

Lee laughed in the corner of the Common Room that he and the Weasley twins were plotting in. It was a rare day that the twins allowed someone else to be allowed to help out in their plans, but everyone needs help now and again. The boys would be quiet then a sudden burst of laughter would flood the room.

Neville sat quietly in a plush red chair under his favorite tapestry. His Herbology text lay open and he consulted it regularly while writing his essay. He had spent much of his afternoon in the greenhouses tending to plants. He knew he didn’t have to be there as much as he was, but he felt quite connected to the plants as was very good with them. They did not judge him or mock him, they would not send him funny looks or speak over him. Well, everything except the mandrakes, but that was not their fault, it was just what they were. Not to mention that Neville understood them quite well at this point and took precautions. Nothing like waking up and staring at the ceiling as someone else replants his work. Neville was jolted from his reverie as Lee Jordan yelled something all but obscene from the far side of the room. It was ridiculous what the other boys were doing. It was one thing to be rowdy (double if Quidditch was the next day) but to say things like that in front of girls and first years was just not ok with him.

Quickly the noise died down and Neville was engrossed in his work again. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered if one could just use a silencing spell on a plant, but somehow that seemed silly. If that was really the case why didn’t someone do it already? Was it something to teach the other students how to respect plants that could desperately hurt them? Did the curriculum go elsewhere in Charms? Everything seemed so basic though, so none of it made sense.

“I AM NOT A PONCE!” Jack Sloper stood up and gathered his things before storming up to his room. Neville sat with a heavy heart. Certainly the loud crew in the corner was the cause of that outburst and poor Jack was just the brunt of the joke. It wasn’t a sporting thing to do, and Neville hoped that the other boys would calm down or meet a girl or do… something. Anything. Whatever would get them to be more respectful.

“I wonder if I could cross pollinate.” Neville mused to himself. He pulled another piece of parchment out and scribbled frantically on it. He wanted to get as much down as he could before the idea escaped him and he lost something with a lot of potential.

Unknown to him, Lee Jordan had snuck across the room and was right behind him. Lee made faces which caused a raucous of laughter from his ‘audience’ in the room. Neville was so absorbed in his own head that he didn’t even notice the change or the noise. Lee jumped around behind the younger boy trying to distract him and catch his attention.

Neville suddenly realized the shadows jumping on his page and proceeded to ignore the fact that Lee was acting like a fool behind him. That was until a hand reached out and snatched the essay he had been working on until the brainstorm occurred to him. Very carefully Neville marked his page in his text. He put his things aside and very calmly stood up. “Give my essay back, please.”

Lee waved the paper around before dashing back to the twins. They were an ornery group tonight and Neville was not pleased. He stepped away from the chair and strode across the room. A younger girl reached out and pulled on his robe. “Don’t, they took mine hours ago. There is no hope for it.”

Neville smiled at the girl. “And what is your name?”

“I’m Jenn.” She tucked a strand of long dark hair behind her ear.

Neville nodded once and strode right up to the group. “I think you have my essay. Jenn says you have hers as well.”

The trio just laughed. “Listen.” Neville said sternly. “If this was broadcast on the Wireless, would you be proud of it?”

Lee tipped back in his chair and smirked. “Nobody cares about the lives of students here beyond their parents. It wouldn’t be on there.”

Neville nodded. Well there was only one way to handle this. “Say, Jordan, have you been hanging out with Marcus Flint?”

“NO!” Lee barked suddenly, looking highly agitated. “What makes you say that?”

“Well, you see, he’s the only one that I know that is cowardly enough to steal a paper from a first year girl and try to pawn it off as his own. I thought perhaps you had been taking lessons.”

“OOOOOOOOH!” Fred and George yelled the word before doubling over with laughter, pointing at Lee who was all but boiling over with rage.

“You know, I bet if you gave back the things you took and apologized nobody would be very upset. You see, I think that it would be the brave thing to do… asking for forgiveness from those you have wronged.” Neville waited to see what Lee would do. He hadn’t really intended to poke fun that way, but he just couldn’t take someone being cruel like that for no reason.

Lee stood in a huff. He handed Neville’s assignment back over. “Sorry mate. I’m not sure what got into me.” He shot a look at the twins. He walked further into the room feeling suddenly very ashamed for his actions. “Say, what do you think I can do to make it up to her?” he whispered, waving Jenn’s parchment slightly.

Neville smiled. “Help her write it. I’m sure all will be forgotten.”

985/30=33 (bonus at the end)

Title: Date Night
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Gideon Prewett, Emmeline Vance, Mrs. Prewett
Summary: Every family has an embarrassing habit, Gideon just has to survive his mother's picture book and maybe he'll be OK.
Word Count: 630
Author's Notes: n/a
Registered purchases?: both

“Oh my god, Mom. Seriously?” Ginerva Prewett pulled out the huge book of family photos and sat down between Gideon and his new girlfriend, Emmeline.

“Yes, of course, Gidi! You got great joy out of this when Molly first started dating Arthur and they’re now engaged. Then there was Fabian. You told stories about every single picture in there that he was in. Now it is nothing but fair for me to show your first girlfriend as well. She asked, I am simply supplying the book. You’re just lucky that your brother is out celebrating his birthday with his mates or he would be stories ten times worse. Now, would you like to sit here, or would you like to fetch more tea?” Ginvera smiled sweetly, knowing her son would never dare leave her alone with Emmeline.

“I guess I’ll wait.” Gideon spoke with a heavy heart, knowing there was no possible way out of this. He drew in a deep breath, preparing for the worst.

“Well!” Ginerva opened the book. She flipped past the pictures when Molly was born, and even the ones where Fabian was born. She went straight for the first pictures of Gideon. He had been terribly unkind to his siblings before, so it only seemed fair to focus strictly on him. “HERE is when Gidi first came home. He got out of his diaper every single night almost immediately!”

Gideon rolled his eyes. There he was, stark naked and crawling happily across the moving picture. If only the now-him could prevent the then-him from taking such delight in the situation. His mother was certainly going to be the death of his love life and there was really not a single thing he could do about it. He knew his father was in the kitchen putting a new kettle on. There was no escape. Nothing he could do would redeem him in Emmeline’s eyes now that she had seen literally every inch of him. If only he had thought enough ahead to have dated that Gryffindor girl a few months back. She was such a horrid kisser though. He had went to give her a peck on the cheek and suddenly it felt like his whole face was being swallowed. Not that Gideon knew if he himself was a particularly good kisser or not, but certainly there should be some joy in the event. Almost more importantly though, one should not feel as if they have to get a shower immediately afterwards to wash all the spit away. He shuddered inwardly, trying not to relive the moment. Nothing could be that bad again.

Ginerva flipped to the next page in the book, showing a much older, but no less embarrassing picture. “Well you see, Molly is eight years older than Gideon. I’m sure as a ten year old you still played with dolls, didn’t you Emmeline, dear?”

The pretty blond girl nodded, laughing politely. “I did. The whole way up until the day I got my Hogwarts Letter!”

“Well then you understand! Fabian was quite old enough to escape Molly’s playing and would run off and leave poor Gideon alone here. With nobody else to play with, he rather enjoyed the company!” The picture showed identically dressed people. Molly was there waving, her bright red ringlet hair bouncing around her round face. Gideon stood in front, waving with both hands. He was dressed up like Molly from hair style to makeup and dress to shoes. It appeared almost as if he was her living toy.

Thankfully Gideon’s father poked his head out from the other room. “You’ll have to let them go now dear or they’ll be late for the show. Let the poor boy try to impress his date if there is any chance left!”

630/30=21 (bonus added at the end)

Title: Down Once More
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for suggestive dialogue... and other stuff.
Characters/Pairing: Severus/Hermione
Summary: Hermione Granger needs a little extra help with her Potions work
Word Count: 914
Author's Notes: title from the Phantom of the Opera, also thanks to some encouragement from quiescent
Registered purchases?: both

Hermione had told her friends to go ahead and that she would catch up. It was their free period, and she knew full well that neither one of the boys had done any schoolwork for the following day. This would not be when they would start it, either. Well if they were going to have time to goof around and do as they pleased, there was no reason she should not be able to do the exact same thing. It just so happened that hers involved spending more time around Professor Snape than most people wanted.

She left her cauldron bubbling. Carefully she stirred in a rat spleen and waited for the mixture to change odor. Merlin the smell was awful but she knew she would get what she wanted soon enough. Silently she counted to ten. Almost on cue, Professor Snape was hovering over her shoulder.

“And why are you making a Shrinking Potion, Miss Granger?” A slight sneer crept into his voice as he looked over her shoulder. Certainly she was going to show off yet again to all her little friends later.

“Well Professor, to be entirely honest, I figured that since Ronald has the emotional range of a teaspoon, if I took this I might be able to understand him better.”

Snape smiled. “You will never understand him, Miss Granger, and we should all be so lucky that this is the case.” With a flick of his wrist, he cleaned her station top to bottom with the exception of the current brew.

“Professor!” Hermione looked hurt.

“Leave it,” he instructed abrasively. He began to walk away, but spoke loudly enough for her to hear him. “There are some other, more important things I need for you to tend to.” He whirled around to face her. “If you’re going to come in here begging for my attentions, I’m going to put you to good use!” With another flick of his wand, he made sure the door to the room was closed tight. Someone would certainly need to knock quite loudly, assuming Severus would decide he wanted to be disturbed at all. A Gryffindor in his Potions Lab? This was too good to pass up.

Hermione gulped. “Yes, sir.” She had no idea what he had planned. A mix of hope and utter and complete fear alternated through her mind. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, glad to finally be the center of someone’s undivided attention. She waited at the desk, unsure of what to do.

Severus took a seat at the head of the room at his desk. He beckoned the young girl up with the waggle of one finger. “Come her.”

Hermione stood up and quickly made her way to the front of the room, following almost exactly in his footsteps. Suddenly this no longer felt like a good idea. It was too late now, though. She had acted and committed to her end of the charade and she could not imagine a way to back out of it now.

Severus pointed to a very uncomfortable looking chair. “Sit.” He instructed and she quickly complied. “Why is it you want my attentions so badly? I’ve already explained to you what I expect from students on their O.W.L.s to get into my N.E.W.T level classes. If your grades follow as they normally do, I don’t see why you would have any problem getting into that class if it is what you wish.” He finished his small monologue and simply waited, curious at her response.

“Well that is important Professor, but really this is about something different.”

“Oh?” Better to let her just come out with it instead of playing these coy games.

“It’s you, sir.”

“Really now.” He leaned forward and was close enough to touch her, though he didn’t.

“Yes, sir. I think you know by now how I feel. I’m afraid though, that you’re never satisfied. I’m tired of playing pretend. I might not get out alive, but I’m willing to take that chance.” Hermione blushed a brilliant scarlet and wait for a response, if there was to be one at all.

“After double potions. Thirty minutes, no more. You are to follow my instructions as exactly as you do in class. Do you understand?”

There was no pause at all before Hermione was nodding her assent. Her body felt like it had been struck by lightning. It was like every nerve was alight with excitement and she had no blasted idea what she was doing. Maybe she was getting this courage thing after all.

“Wet your lips.”

She was jolted out of her momentary lapse as he spoke. Carefully she licked her lips, hoping that it was what he was looking for. Really she had no idea what she was doing except getting what she thought she wanted.

He nodded in assent. Leaning forward so his own hooked nose would not smash against hers, Severus pressed his lips firmly against the young girl’s. She was lithe and pliable, eagerly she pressed back towards him. The Potions Master could feel her eagerness in that most basic of actions and pulled back. He noted how she was breathless already. Her chest heaved as if to catch air for the first time and not as if it was an automatic reflex. “You should not be so eager,” he told her frankly. He turned at his desk and began to grade papers. “We’re done today, Miss Granger. You may leave until next week."

914/30=30 (bonus below!)

41+33+21+30=125 'regular' points
10 bonus * 4 fics = 40 bonus points
125+40=165 points for

(omg Mandy please tell me I did that right lol)

character: james potter, character: gideon prewett, author: klef, era: marauder, character: neville longbottom, character: severus snape, character: lily evans-potter, era: trio, character: hermione granger, pairing: james/lily, rating: g, rating: pg-13

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