Challenge 73: Dear Diary and Challenge 79: Trick

Oct 28, 2010 02:31

Title: The diary of a Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: R for a lot of language XD
Characters/Pairing: Draco (and uh, I guess Draco/Hermione, yeah)
Summary: Blaise rats out Draco and Draco is peeved
Word Count: 401
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Yes both :)

28 October

Dear diary
Hello journal
Greetings book!
I refuse to greet an object.

Everything is shit. Blaise is a wanker and the next time he turns his back I’m going to tackle him to the ground and hex his bits off. What kind of mate is he? The moment you spill your secrets to him, he goes and blabbers them to the entire world. And especially after I told him how long I’d kept the secret exactly because I didn’t want it to get out. Blaise is a useless tosser.

Since it’s Thursday, I made plans for the weekend. Saturday, I’m writing an angry letter to Blaise before I get drunk off my arse. And then on Sunday I’m going to throw myself from the roof of the Ministry while Blaise is watching, unless he’s in St. Mungo’s getting his bits fixed. Yeah, those are my plans, and I’m sticking to them. I’m looking forward to it, even.


29 October

I lied.

I won’t throw myself from the roof of the Ministry on Sunday. I might not even get to hex Blaise. Because I’m going to combust on the spot right now. I’m going to die, right here and right now. Ron fricking Weasley knows. He knows. And if I‘m going to die of embarrassment, he’s sure as hell going to kill me.


Okay, he didn’t kill me. He just punched me in the nose while Blaise laughed like the git he is while I bled all over my new robes. I just love spending a Friday afternoon at St. Mungo’s too. And I also love that everyone in the office saw me get hit in the face by a Weasley. Everything is shit! My nose is black and blue and I’m crap at glamour charms. Blaise is an expert, but we’re not on speaking terms right now, for obvious reasons.


30 October

I take it all back.

Blaise is a hero, he’s a fucking hero. I haven’t told him that and I don’t intend to, but I may just owe him a giant favour. Cancel my weekend plans! I can’t throw myself off the roof of the Ministry on Sunday, because I’m going out on a date with Granger. Yeah!. Take that you rotten weasel. I may have a purple nose, but I also have someone to kiss it better.

Everything is fucking fantastic.

Title: Pink
Rating/Warnings: PG, I think
Characters/Pairing: Ginny, random Gryffindors, Snape
Summary: Ginny plays a prank that gets the whole school's attention
Word Count: 1,112
Author's Notes: This is silly, sorry XD
Registered purchases?: Yes both

“What makes you think I did it?” Ginny asked indignantly, but there was no way she could hide the self-satisifed smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth.

“Aha!” Seamus cried and pointed fiercely at her with his fork. “It was you.”

She chuckled and gave him a quick wink. “Even if it was, it’s not something I would broadcast for obvious reasons.”

“Oh come on. We’re your housemates.”

“We would never tell on you,” Dean said, finishing the statement his friend started.

“No, you’d just celebrate me rather loudly about it,” she commented, knowing her fellow Gryffindors well enough to know she was their newfound hero for at least a week ahead. “And besides, many of you have friends in other houses, obviously, and I can’t be so sure that these other houses wouldn’t pick up on it.”

“Stop worrying,” Seamus said again, taking a large sip of his pumpkin juice. “It’s just a small, innocent prank in rivalry between houses. You’ll get a detention or two at the most.”

Ginny actually squirmed in her seat, looking anxiously at the pink letters spelling “Gryffindor Rules” across the Slytherin table.

“Actually.” she said, suddenly feeling her throat go dry. Maybe she had gone over the top. “It’s not as small as you think.”

Heads all around her turned in astonishment, several hands stopping in midair at this new revelation. She tensed slightly under their expectant gaze. No matter what people thought, she wasn’t like Fred and George. She battled her conscience endlessly whenever she did a prank, but the end result was always worth it. Though, this time she wasn’t quite sure it would be worth it. She had done what Fred and George had been too smart to do: She had jumped far past the line and landed several miles on the other side. The sudden doubt ate at her insides, and she forced herself to take several deep breaths.

“That’s actually just the leftovers,” she admitted with a weary smile.

“Leftovers?” Harry asked in a breathless tone.

“Oh no, Ginny. What did you do?” Hermione nearly cried, looking thoroughly exasperated.

Ginny gave secretive shrug, before she looked around in slight apprehension. Perhaps her choice of victim had been a bit ambitious. It wasn’t like he was known for his great sense of humour and amazing sense of forgiveness. She would be in trouble, but she hoped it would be damn funny before she got to that point.

Soon, the normal chatter picked up again, but Ginny’s eyes remained locked on the staff table. No, of course he wouldn’t show up like this. She couldn’t stop the snicker that escaped her lips at the thought, and ignored the odd looks she was receiving. It was at that point that the doors by the staff table burst open and hit the wall with booming thuds. Every head in the Great Hall snapped up to see who was making the racket, and they were not disappointed.

A wide, beaming grin spread across Ginny’s face as she took in the scene before them all. In the doorway stood a fuming Severus Snape, looking absolutely menacing. He stood stall, breathing heavily with a twisted grimace decorating his face. But that was not what caught their eyes first. No, that would be his once black, greasy and limp hair, which had now transformed into a thick, shiny mane of neon pink locks.

One by one, the students around her fell into booming laughter. The Gryffindor table made the wost spectacle by far, several of the boys actually falling of the benches clutching their stomachs while wheezing uncontrollably. The other tables, however, did an honourable effort too, and even the Slytherins were having a hard time breathing from their fits. As Ginny still beamed and laughed, some of those who had catched their breaths began whispering amongst themselves. None of them could imagine who would have enough guts to pull a prank on Snape of all people.

The Gryffindors sitting in immediate closeness to her, and had heard all about Ginny’s “leftovers”, were eyeing her with sparkling eyes.

“Blimey!” Dean cried, a smile reaching from ear to ear.

“I have a new image for conquring my boggart,” Neville exclaimed happily, his cheeks flushed from laughing.

“Honestly, Ginny. Snape?! I know he’s a git, but he’ll crush you like a bug,” Hermione said nervously, biting her lower lip.

“She’s my sister,” Ron proclaimed proudly, thumping her hard on the shoulder.

“Not so loud,” she hissed back, hoping the red hair and the surname wasn’t too much of a give away already.

“I think I might love you,” Harry said, his eyes still fixed on Snape looking as awestruck as they’d ever seen him.

Ginny jerked at that, eyeing him carefully to see if he meant it somewhat seriously or if it was just a figure of speech.

“Me too,” Seamus bellowed and gave her his morning muffin with a large grin. “I think I might cry of happiness.”

While all of this transpired, Snape had walked out in front of the staff table, facing the howling student body. He was as intimidating as always, and Ginny felt her grin fade slightly. She wondered how he managed to be so scary, even with that ridiculous hair.

“Which one of you did this?” he said in a booming voice, his newly pink hair flapping against his cheeks.

Several students snickered at this odd sight.

“Every Gryffindor from now on and till the end of Hogwarts as a school will have detention every night if none of you come forward!” he bellowed, obviously having seen the ‘Gryffindor rules’ spelled across the Slytherin table in bright pink.

Ginny groaned, knowing he was most likely completely serious. Why hadn’t she picked someone else? Like Goyle. There was a very limited amount of things Goyle could do to her, considering he only knew ‘Accio’ and that was about it. She swallowed and rose from her seat, her legs shaking under her.

“No, don’t do it, Ginny,” Hermione hissed in panic. “He’s just throwing out empty threats.”

Ginny shook her head. She knew he meant it. At least to the extent that he would certainly give all of Gryffindor detention as long as Dumbledore would allow.

“I did it,” Ginny proclaimed loudly, trying to not show that she was afraid.

“Follow me, Miss Weasley,” he said darkly. “And mark off every evening on your schedule until you’ve done your N.E.W.Ts.”

Ginny sighed and knew he wasn’t even slightly exaggerating. Taking a deep breath, she left the Gryffindor table and followed him towards the door. And despite the fact that she was not in indefinite detention, she couldn’t help but grin when applause followed her out of the Great Hall.

401/30 ~ 13
1,112/30 ~ 37
= 50 points for Puff!


rating: pg, *challenge-079, *challenge-073, author: xfortytwo, rating: r, character: blaise zabini, era: trio, character: severus snape, character: draco malfoy, character: ginny weasley

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