Challenge 80 - ...or treat?

Oct 24, 2010 00:07

Title: Costumes
Rating/Warnings: g; none
Characters/Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy, Draco/Astoria Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy
Summary: Draco and Astoria are throwing a Halloween party and Scorpius wants to dress up for the occasion. His choice in costume causes a bit of drama.
Word Count: 890
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?:

Astoria nervously paced back and forth in the hall between the bedroom she shared with her husband and the secondary bathroom. Her six year old son had locked himself inside the bathroom because he was getting ready for their halloween party; he had heard from his tutor about how muggles celebrated Halloween and was floored by the idea of getting to wear a costume. His nanny had helped him pick one out and he was busy preparing himself.

Unfortunately, Astoria had gotten a glimpse of him as he ran to the bathroom with his nanny. And there'd be hell to pay, she was sure of it.

"Tori?" her husband called, appearing out of nowhere at the end of the hall; she quickened her pacing. "Tori, everyone is going to be here soon. Where's Scorp?"

"He's....eheheheh, in the bathroom," she answered, worriedly biting a cuticle.

Draco stared at her, an eyebrow arched high on his forehead. "Well, is he ready to go?"

"Um. See. The thing is..." She wrung her hands together. "You know how he wanted to dress up for the Halloween party?"

"Yes. Our son is adorable. Now, what's going on?"

Astoria stopped pacing and tried to look her husband in the eyes. She filled her mouth with air, cheeks puffing, and recanted her story in one long rush of jambled words. "It's all my fault! He asks for bedtime stories and, you know I just, I run out of things to talk about! So then, he wants to learn more about what his tutor teaches him and I happened to live through some of it and so he thinks it's exciting. And I tried to take the thing off his face but I think his nanny helped him and I'm so sorry!"

Draco blinked.

Astoria stood before him, wringing her hands and biting her lip.

"What? What thing on his face?"

She took an index finger and ran it jaggedly down her forehead.

It took a whole ten seconds for realization to dawn on Draco's features.


"Yes!" she cried, hiding her face in her hands. "I should have been more involved in this costume choosing process - but I trusted his nanny!"

"My whole family. Your whole family. All our guests..."

"I know!"

He made fists at his sides several times, his mouth opening and closing but no noise escaping him. Finally, he said, "How bad is it?"

Astoria could only squeak.

Draco approached the bathroom door quickly and started pounding his palm against it. "Scorpius," he called out, trying to sound calm. "Hey, son! Whats going on?"

"I'm getting ready for trick or treating, Daddy!"

"Can you come out, please? I'd like to see your costume."

"Okay, Daddy!"

The door opened to reveal a six year old Harry Potter.

There was absolute silence in the hall; it was at that moment, Lucius Malfoy decided to make his appearance.

"Draco?" his voice carried to them.

Astoria and her husband exchanged a look; Draco squared his shoulders and raised his chin. "Over here, father! Come here, Scorpius. Let's show Grandfather your costume."

Scorpius beamed up at his father and stood before him. Draco put an arm on his shoulder and stood next to his wife.

Lucius walked into the hallway, smiling lightly.

"Trick or treat!" exclaimed Scorpius, clapping his hands together in delight.

Lucius's smile disappeared when his eyes landed on his only grandchild. A look similar to one someone would make if they smelled something bad crossed his features. He took a step back and glowered at Astoria.

She lowered her head, but Draco took a step forward, placing himself in front of his wife in a protective stance. Father and son exchanged a long, hard look.

Finally, Lucius' eyes dropped back down to Scorpius.

"It's a joke," he said, nodding to himself like he had just come to a big decision. "Yes. Come here, Scorpius. Let us go show our guests your funny costume."

Scorpius bounded into his grandfather's arms, oblivious to the drama he had caused. "Can I have my treat now, Grandfather? I dressed up, so now I get a treat!"

"Of course," Lucius agreed as he carried Scorpius away. He pulled out his wand and magicked a candy bar. "You deserve a good treat for such a marvelous costume. Did you think of it all by yourself? Or did your mother help you?"

"My nanny helped me!" Scorpius answered before the two of them disappeared from view.

Once they were gone, Draco let out a huge breath, shoulders sagging.

Astoria wiped off her forehead with the back of her hand. "That was close."

"We are firing that nanny first thing in the morning."

"What?! But I like Consuella!"

Draco gave her the look of a man who's only son was currently dressed as his childhood nemesis. Astoria caved instantly.

"Yes, you're right. You win this one. Totally my fault and I am okay with you firing the nanny."

"Shall we face the music, then?" he offered his arm to her.

They faced a house full of guests who were either former Death Eaters or pure bloods who had been supporters of the cause. And they, as the hosts of the party, had let their son dress up as Harry Potter.

She took it, smiling slightly. "This should be good."

"That is putting it lightly."

890/30 = 29.6666 = 30 points for Hufflepuff!


character: scorpius malfoy, pairing: draco/astoria, author: touchofviolet, era: next gen, character: astoria greengrass-malfoy, character: lucius malfoy, rating: g, *challenge-080, character: draco malfoy

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