002: Dating a Muggle

Jun 22, 2010 14:33

Title: Dating a Muggle
Author: accountingwitch
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Cho/OC
Genre: vaguely romance
Warnings: none
Word Count: 535

Follows after Meeting a Muggle.

What do you wear on a Muggle date?

Cho flitted around her room for the longest time, running from closet to mirror and back again. As she did so, clothes appeared on her, then dropped off, then sometimes came back on. The run between the two locations was littered with clothes, and slowly growing.

Oh dear Merlin. Robes were completely out of the question, as Cho had learned from her experience at school. Unfortunately, she rarely dressed up for a Muggle occasion. Oh, she had those parent-teacher meetings, her nicer work clothes when she had to make an impression, but did you wear a suit jacket and pencil skirt on a Muggle date? She had two pairs of jeans and five T-shirts, three of which didn't count because they had wizarding slogans emblazoned on them, but she was pretty sure the place Edison had mentioned had sounded French. She had used her computer (now that was magic) to find the location and a picture, and it was swanky.

She had even Apparated and snuck around with an invisibility charm (good for only five minutes) and might have accidentally started a brawl by bumping the wrong person. But yes, the restaurant was definitely swanky, and anything in her closet would've made her stand out like a dragon on her house.

Remember the reconnaissance mission, Cho suddenly remembered that the people in the restaurant had been wearing clothes. She had money. She knew where the shopping districts were.

More Apparating, and ten minutes later Cho had a dress. It was dark blue and silky, with silver embroidery. She had a pair of black shoes, and her hair...

...oh boy, her hair! A ponytail would be too plain. A bun felt too schoolteacherly. Cho grabbed her wand and pointed it at her head for a solid two minutes, going through the simple spells she had picked up in the magazines to find something that looked good and not too elaborate.

No. No. No. No - oh wait that looked good! What about something pretty to put into it? Cho dug around a jewellery box, trying to find hair clips and make-up and wow was that a doorbell? Accio charms sent the jewels flying into place - lots of practice whenever Cho was late for work - as Cho herself ran down the stairs to the front door. A quick glance at the mirror reminded her that her wand was in her hair. She paused for a moment, blinking in confusion, then stashed the precious item into her purse as well before opening the door.

Edison was standing on the doorstep, wearing a pale blue dress shirt and slacks. Cho mentally cursed the idea that men could get away with something so simple while women - Muggle and wizarding - had to agonize over their decisions and suffer the consequences.



"Ready to go?" Edison asked.

"Oh, yes, ready," Cho answered, trying not to sound out of breath.

"I know I'm a little early," Edison said as Cho closed and locked the door and they both walked out to his car. "I was worried that you'd need more time to get ready."

"Oh, I've got magic," Cho replied airily, and they both laughed at what was supposed to be a joke.

535 / 50 = 10 points
10 +10 bonus = 20 points for Ravenclaw

*challenge-002, author: accountingwitch, rating: g, character: cho chang

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