
May 08, 2010 22:35


He doesn't send the letter. He destroys it, again.

He sighs out loud, tired, and hears the parchment burn into ashes. For some mere seconds the silence vanishes in the air. It doesn't last, though. It never does.

"Percy, you need to laugh more," The twins' voices say at the same time. There are not real, he knows. There a memory, a ghost, trapped in his mind.

They are miles away, all of them. Joking and laughing, safe and happy inside the Burrow's walls.

And Percy's rented room is cold and silent. It's cruel and empty.

He bought a sweet perfume yesterday, something delicious and overwhelming like his mother’s meals. A pathetic attempt, he admits.

A horrible failure.

Even fetid bombs sound nice, and what would he give to wake suddenly to a twins' joke, to turn back in time, to destroy this void.

But that nothingness is there. Inside him and spreading all over the world. It's everywhere. Laughing, screaming, eating him.

He shakes his head, holds his quill and takes another parchment.

"Sorry," he shakily writes but he stops right there. He always does.

The words crush in his mind. So many, so loud that he can't make a coherent sentence. He should ask forgiveness properly, face to face, he knows. But he's a scared stupid kid. He would just start to stutter and eventually start cry.

He has tried to practice, only to be left a mess of tears.

"Sorry," he says out loud, and each letter burns his lips, sinks his heart.

There is silence then. Silence and void, watching, staring, laughing as yet another piece of parchment shines on fire.

Title: Birds sing and then they die
Rating/Warnings: G.
Characters/Pairing: Bellatriz Lestrage, death eathers, someone who has important information
Summary: Death Eaters have very clever ideas.
Word Count: 408
Author's note: thanks to emilya ♥, my lovely beta.
Registered purchase: Both

"So, Dove, are you finally going to sing?"

There is venom, everywhere. In Bellatrix’s fake sweet tone, in the spark in her dark eyes.

Death itself has taken over the room, Audrey Dove notices.

“Why would I?” he asks, wrath and disgust clear in his voice. “You’re going to kill me anyway.”

There, he said it, he had to. He needs to hear the words again and again, he has to prepare himself. He’s ready for this. Megan and the children will understand and eventually forgive him.

“What a wonderful lion, you are,” the woman concedes, mockingly clapping her pale hands together. The other death eaters laugh out loud, standing still like shadows.

He’s a Hufflepuff, actually, not that she would know. They never shared their school years, thanks Merlin for that.

“That’s why I brought you your cute little cubs.”

Audrey’s heart seems to stop. They are lying, they have to be.

“Im-impossible”. He mutters, trying to sound convinced. “ Benjy…”

“Is dead, scattered in little tiny pieces,” Bellatrix explains happily, grinning at the memory. “And now is time for the family gathering!” She adds enthusiastically.

A little girl and a little boy appear then, pushed by Death Eaters. Audrey tries to reach for his children, to tell Rose and Tom and - Oh, God, where is Megan?-that everything will be ok.

“They killed mummy, dad!” Tom cries, as Death Eaters point their wand to the four year old and his sister, making Audrey stop dead in his tracks.

“Please, do something dad!” the boy begs, shaking. Rose doesn’t cry or move; she stands still with an empty look in her honey eyes.

“He will, kid!” Bellatrix tells Tom. “Your dad will help us kill his goody friends.” She announces. “At least of course, he wants you and your sister dead so you can join your mudblood mother.”

“Shut your mouth!” Tom screams and Bellatrix laughs.

“You’re in no position to tell me what to do. But you can sing.”

“Do you want us dead, daddy?” Rose suddenly says, staring at his father. The girl doesn’t sound desperate or sad; it’s like if someone had taken all emotion from her.

“Well do you?”

Audrey falls down on his knees. He’ll burn in hell for this, he knows it.

“It’s… It’s forty-two.” He whispers.

They laugh then, all of them. Rose and Tom included. Audrey looks up, confusion plastered in his face.

“It’s called Polyjuice, daddy”. Rose tenderly provides.

(275/50= 5+10 bonus items)+ (408/50=8+10bonus items) = 15+18= 33.
Total weekly points: 33+ 27 (66/50+10 bonus items= 17+10) = 60 points for Ravenclaw.

*challenge-034, era: marauder, author: sickle_girl, era: trio, character: bellatrix lestrange, *challenge-042, character: percy weasley

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