Title: Unsung Hero
Characters/Pairing: Regulus Black
Summary: Everyone knows the infamous Sirius Black, but what about his younger brother, Regulus? What story does he have to tell?
Word Count: 478
Author's Notes: I've always been curious about Regulus, and wanted to give him his own story.
Registered purchases?: None
Regulus looked at the family tree on the wall one last time, noticing the black mark where his brother's face had been. He touched it gently, as if he could gain some strength from it. He knew He had let his brother down so many times before, giving into his parents' whims and prejudices, and joining the Death Eaters was the final nail in their relationship. He wanted to tell his brother so badly what he was about to do and see hopefully a look of pride on Sirius' face, but there was no time. He needed to act, and now.
The journey to the cave was tumultuous, throwing Regulus and Kreacher around the boat and soaking their clothes through and through. The waves tossed the boat around with ease, but Regulus pushed on. He was determined, and his final act in life would not be stopped by Mother Nature.
"Sir, is it really wise to act against the Dark Lord?" Kreacher asked, hanging onto the side of the boat for dear life.
"It may not be wise, but it is right."
The inside of the cave was pitch black, and suspiciously quiet. Kreacher told Regulus word for word exactly what he did when Voldemort left the locket. Without a second thought, Regulus took the shell and drank the horrid potion mouthful after mouthful. He began to feel violently sick, and as if his insides would suddenly explode. He pushed on, drinking more and more until thought he would keel over. Kreacher caught him before his fall, and set him gently on the ground.
"Give me...the locket..." Regulus wheezed, trying desperately to regain his breath. Kreacher picked up the necklace, and handed it to his master.
"Reach in my pocket...grab the other one..."
Kreacher fished around in Regulus' coat, and found the fake locket. He placed it where the real one had been, and turned back to the ailing Black.
"Destroy the one in your hand, and quickly..."
"Sir, are you-"
"YES! Hurry." Regulus coughed violently, and Kreacher quickly followed the command. He smashed the Horcrux into pieces, and threw it into the water. The disturbance caused a bubbling in the water, and soon an army of Inferi began to rise.
"Sir, we are surrounded!" Kreacher said in a panic.
"Apparate back to the house, leave me behind," Regulus said weakly.
"Are you certain?"
"Yes, there is no way to bring me back, now go!"
Kreacher looked at his master sadly, and then disappeared. The Inferi grabbed Regulus, dragging him under the water.
The last word to leave his lips was "Sirius."
Years later, many have heard the name Sirius Black. Murder, violent criminal, delinquent. His infamy was set in stone when he escaped Azkaban.
But another Black, lying under the waters of a dark and desolate cave, had died for his redemption as well.
Lisa/Hufflepuff/9 points.