
Jul 09, 2009 22:04

Title: Alone
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Sirius Black
Summary: Sirius thinks about his life.
Word Count:303
Registered purchases?: Not Yet.

Kreacher, it transpired, had been lurking in the attic. Mrs Weasley had discovered him there earlier that afternoon, hoarding bits and pieces in a dark, dusty corner. Sirius crept up the steps slowly, not wanting to provoke the elf. When he entered the room, the sight he saw would have surprised most people, but at this point, Sirius didn’t think anything would surprise him. He sighed, and stepped forward. Kreacher, it seemed, had piled everything up in the corner, and it looked as if the pile would topple over at any moment.

Sirius scanned the room, searching for the elf. Just when he was about to give up and leave, he heard a muffled noise coming from behind the tower of his possessions. Moving closer, he almost laughed when he saw what had happened. An old blue blanket was wrapped around the poor house elf’s body, trapping him as he struggled furiously. Sirius watched for a moment, then he uncharmed the blanket, freeing the house elf, and sent him downstairs.

Sirius sat down in the centre of the attic, pondering how his life had ended up like this. He missed having a normal life. He missed the days when he could come and go as he pleased. He missed his godson. And more than anything, he missed his days at Hogwarts. He had been so close to his friends. Remus and James had always stuck by him, through anything and everything. But now James was gone. Remus was back at Hogwarts, back where their friendship began. Sirius wished he could go back. He desperately wanted to. But he knew that could never happen. He was stuck here - stuck in this house, stuck in this life.

This life that was now empty, his days all spent hiding. He was alone. All Alone.


character: sirius black, *challenge-001, rating: pg, character: remus lupin

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